All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary
Class |
Description |
Abstract3dDemo |
AbstractAccumulationDepthPeeling |
AbstractAdativeRenderingHandler |
AbstractAnalysis |
AbstractAWTRenderer2d |
AbstractCameraController |
AbstractCameraThreadController |
AbstractColorMap |
AbstractContourGenerator |
The AbstractContourGenerator provides various utility fonctions to compute core contour matrices.
AbstractController |
AbstractDepthPeelingAlgorithm |
AbstractDrawableFactory |
AbstractDrawableFactory.Settings |
AbstractDrawableGraph2d<V,E> |
An implementation based on Pickable objects should register mapping between vertex model
and vertex representation through {@link PickSupport.registerPickableObject(IPickable pickable, V
Registration should be done by overriding setGraphModel.
AbstractEnlightable |
AbstractEventLog |
AbstractOrderingStrategy |
AbstractPainter |
AbstractRemapTask |
A remapping task that let a remapping be performed in a simple while loop.
AbstractScreenshotKeyController |
AbstractTextRenderer |
AbstractTickProvider |
AbstractViewportManager |
AdaptByDroppingFaceAndKeepingWireframe |
AdaptByDroppingFaceAndKeepingWireframeWithColor |
AdaptByDroppingHiDPI |
AdaptByDroppingSmoothColor |
AdaptByDroppingWireframe |
AdaptByKeepingBoundingBoxOnly |
AdaptByPerformanceKnowledge |
Apply object-wise drawing settings, and chart-wise drawing settings such as ColorModel .
AdaptiveMouseController |
AdaptiveRenderingHandler |
AdaptiveRenderingPolicy |
A collection of settings to allow a controller to adapt rendering quality in order to
optimize performances of the chart.
alpha |
alpha3D |
AlwaysPrePostDrawPolicy |
Allows only composite objects to call {@link ColorMapper.preDraw(this)}, to avoid having all
children re-initializing min/max score in the scenegraph
AnalysisLauncher |
Angle2d |
An Angle2d stores three 2d points, considering the angle is on the second one.
Angle3d |
An Angle3d stores three 3d points, considering the angle is on the second one.
Area |
Array |
Array.Direction |
Attenuation |
A simple setting class to define the attenuation of a light w.r.t. to the distance of the vertex
to the light source, as defined in the Light javadoc.
Attenuation.Type |
AWTAbstractAnalysis |
AWTAbstractImageGenerator |
AWTAbstractMouseSelector |
AWTCameraKeyController |
AWTCameraMouseController |
AWTChart |
AWTChartFactory |
AWTColor |
Color interface.
AWTColorbarImageGenerator |
AWTColorbarLegend |
AWTDoubleBufferedPanel |
AWTDualModeMouseSelector |
A utility to toggle between
the main default mouse controller AWTCameraMouseController , used to control viewpoint
another custom mouse controller, such as a selection mouse utility
Uses a KeyListener to toggle between the two modes.
AWTFont |
AWTGraphicsUtils |
AWTHelper |
AWTImageConvert |
AWTImageExporter |
AWTImageFile |
AWTImageGenerator |
AWTImageRenderer |
An AWT post renderer able to render an image on top of a chart according to a legend
AWTImageRenderer3d |
AWTImageRenderer3d.DisplayListener |
AWTImageViewport |
AWTImageWrapper |
AWTLegend |
AWTLightKeyController |
AWTMousePickingController |
AWTMousePickingPan2dController |
AWTMouseUtilities |
AWTNativeChart |
AWTNativeDrawableImage |
AWTNativeSymbolHandler |
AWTNativeViewOverlay |
AWTPainterFactory |
AWTRenderer2d |
AWTRenderer3d |
AWTScatterMouseSelector |
AWTScatterMultiColor |
AWTScatterMultiColorList |
A scatter plot supporting a List as input.
AWTScreenshotKeyController |
Saves a screenshot in PNG format once key S is pressed.
AWTScreenshotUtils |
AWTSerieLegend |
AWTSeriesLegend |
AWTShapeRenderer |
An AWT post renderer able to render an image on top of a chart according to a legend
AWTSimpleBufferedPanel |
AWTSphereMouseSelector |
AWTTextLayout |
AWTToNewtKeyListener |
AWTToNewtMouseListener |
Provides a bridge implementation to map AWT events to NEWT events for easier transition of
existing code.
AWTToNewtUtilities |
Utilities for mapping key codes and events from awt to newt.
AWTView |
AxeAnnotation |
AxeCrossAnnotation |
AxeLineAnnotation |
AxeXLineAnnotation |
AxeXRectangleAnnotation |
AxeYLineAnnotation |
AxisBase |
An AxeBase provide a simple 3-segment object which is configured by a BoundingBox.
AxisBox |
The AxisBox displays a box with front face invisible and ticks labels.
AxisBox2d |
AxisLabelProcessor |
A helper class to process axis labels.
AxisLabelRotator |
An helper class to process the orientation of text according to a driving axis defined by 2 3D or
2D points (already resulting from a screen projection).
AxisLabelRotator.TextLayout |
AxisLayout |
AxisLayout.FontType |
AxisRenderingInfo |
AxisTickProcessor |
A helper class to process and draw axis ticks.
BarVBO |
BarycenterAnnotation |
Draws the barycenter of an Geometry and a line each point and the barycenter.
BarycentreOrderingStrategy |
BasicVolumeDemo |
BernsteinInterpolator |
BernsteinPolynomial |
Helper class for the spline3d classes in this package.
bezcurve |
bezcurve |
bezcurve |
bezmesh |
bezmesh |
bezmesh |
bezsurf |
bezsurf |
bezsurf |
BigWaterfallDemo |
Demonstrate how to use vertex and fragment shaders.
BoundingBox |
Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
BoundingBox2d |
A BoundingBox2d stores a couple of maximal and minimal limit on each dimension (x, y).
BoundingBox3d |
A BoundingBox3d stores a couple of maximal and minimal limit on each dimension (x, y, and z).
BufferedImageMapper |
Mapper which reads height information from the grayscale values of a BufferedImage, normalized to
range [0..1].
BufferedImageTexture |
BufferedPanel |
A BufferedPanel provides a common interface for AWT or Swing, and Simple or Double
buffered panels.
BufferUtil |
ByteColor |
Camera |
The Camera allows projecting a 3d scene to a 2d screen based on an orthogonal or
perspective projection.
Camera.Ortho |
The configuration used to call glOrtho
CameraDistanceAnnotation |
Draws the distance of every scene graph drawable object to camera eye.
CameraEyeOverlayAnnotation |
Draws debug information concerning camera and view
CameraMode |
CameraPathAnnotation |
Record the camera position at regular interval and draws the path based on these point
CameraThreadController |
CameraThreadControllerWithTime |
CameraThreadControllerWithTime.Direction |
Canvas |
Canvas interface.
CanvasAWT |
CanvasAWT |
CanvasAWT is a base implementation that primarily allows to integrate a Jzy3d chart in an
AWT application.
CanvasNewtAwt |
A Newt canvas wrapped in an AWT Panel .
CanvasNewtSWT |
A Newt canvas wrapped in an AWT Newt is supposed to be faster than any other canvas, either for
AWT or Swing.
CanvasSwing |
CanvasSWT |
CellStyles |
Chart |
Chart is a convenient object that gather all components required to render a 3d scene for
Chart2d |
Chart2dFactory |
Chart2dGroup |
ChartFactory |
ChartLauncher |
ChartScene |
ChartTester |
Primitives for chart tests.
ChartTestFailed |
ChartView |
A ChartView allows displaying a 3d scene on the left, and a set of Drawable 's
AWTLegend on the right.
checker |
checker |
checker |
Circle |
this class represents a simple circle.
Cleaner |
clip |
clip |
clip |
ClipEq |
Color |
Color interface.
ColorEditor |
ColoredWireframePolygon |
ColorMapGrayscale |
ColorMapHotCold |
ColorMapper |
ColorMapperUpdater |
ColorMapRainbow |
A rainbow colormap is a progressive transition from blue, to green and then red.
ColorMapRainbowNoBorder |
A rainbow colormap is a progressive transition from blue, to green and then red.
ColorMapRBG |
ColorMapRedAndGreen |
ColormapTexture |
ColorMapWhiteBlue |
ColorMapWhiteGreen |
ColorMapWhiteRed |
colormat |
colormat |
colormat |
ColorModel |
CompileableComposite |
A CompileableComposite allows storage and subsequent faster execution of individual
contained instances drawing routines in an OpenGL display list.
ComponentEventLog |
Composite |
A Composite gathers several Drawable and provides default methods managing them
all in one call : drawing, getting bounds, setting face or wireframe colors, etc.
CompositeColorMapperUpdatePolicy |
Allows only composite objects to call {@link ColorMapper.preDraw(this)}, to avoid having all
children re-initializing min/max score in the scenegraph
ComputationalGeometry |
ConcurrentLineStrip |
ConcurrentLineStripSplitted |
ConcurrentScatterMultiColor |
ConcurrentScatterMultiColorList |
ConcurrentScatterPoint |
ConeRegressionDemo |
Console |
A console output helper able to add coloring in console.
ContourAxisBox |
An axe box for displaying a contour map that remains on bottom of the box, whatever the box scale
ContourChart |
ContourChartFactory |
ContourLevel |
ContourLevels |
ContourMesh |
ControllerEvent |
ControllerEventListener |
ControllerType |
Conversion |
Conversion |
Helpers to convert Jzy3d datatypes to libsvm datatypes
Converter |
Implements windowing transformation.
ConvexHull |
ConvexHullFunction |
Coord2d |
A Coord2d stores a 2 dimensional coordinate for cartesian (x,y) or polar (a,r) mode, and
provide operators allowing to add, substract, multiply and divises coordinate values, as well as
computing the distance between two points, and converting polar and cartesian coordinates.
Coord3d |
A Coord3d stores a 3 dimensional coordinate for cartesian or polar mode, and provide few
Coord3D |
Store coordinates in double precision (whereas Coord3d store coordinates with float
Coord3dEditor |
Coord3ds |
A set of points.
Coordinates |
A simple utility class for storing a list of x, y, and z coordinates as arrays of float values.
CoordinateTooltipRenderer |
CoplanarityManager |
This pseudo-drawable will handle drawing outlines (such as polygon border), contour line (lying
exactly ON a polygon), or text which position is ON a polygon) that may be coplanar or partially
hidden by a collection of polygons.
Croppable |
CroppableLineStrip |
CroppingView |
cube |
cube |
cube |
CubeComposite |
CubeGLUT |
A cube rendered with OpenGL GLUT.
CubeVBO |
CubeVBOBuilder |
CurrentScreenWatch |
Check periodically if screen size has changed, hence allowing to check a changing monitor.
CustomEventQueue |
Utility for debugging event queue related to 3d in AWT.
CustomGrid |
CustomGrid allows using a specific projection mapping.
Cylinder |
DateTickRenderer |
DebugGL_Demo |
DebugGL_Demo |
DebugGLChart2d |
Display parameters of jzy3d components.
DebugGLChart3d |
Display elements of a 3d scene
axis box
camera parameters (eye, target, up)
Decomposition |
DefaultColorMapperUpdatePolicy |
Allows any object to call {@link ColorMapper.preDraw(this)}
DefaultContourColoringPolicy |
DefaultDecimalTickRenderer |
Force number to be represented with a given number of decimals
DefaultDrawableGraph2d<V,E> |
DefaultGraph<V,E> |
DefaultGraphFormatter<V,E> |
DefaultGraphLayout2d<V> |
DefaultLineStripMergePolicy |
Tells if we should merge with any LineStrip according to a maximum distance threshold
DefaultOrderingStrategy |
The default ordering strategy let drawables be displayed in their original order and as thus no
computation cost.
DefaultTextStyle |
DelaunayTessellator |
DelaunayTriangulation |
This class represents a Delaunay Triangulation.
DepthFunc |
DepthPeelingChartFactory |
The sole purpose of this factory is to disable sorting drawable by scene's Graph since
depth peeling make it useless.
DepthPeelingPainterFactory |
DepthPeelingRenderer3d |
Execute depth peeling methods in a Jzy3d Renderer3d
This feature is based on Order Independent Transparency algorithms published by Louis Bavoil
(NVIDIA Corporation).
Dimension |
Replacement for java.awt.Dimension
Disk |
doublebuffer |
doublebuffer |
doublebuffer |
Drawable |
A Drawable defines objects that may be rendered into an OpenGL context provided by a
ICanvas .
DrawableBoundingBox |
DrawableChangedEvent |
DrawableImage |
DrawableText |
DrawableTextBillboard |
Deprecated. |
DrawableTextCell |
DrawableTextTexture |
DrawableTextWrapper |
DrawableVBO |
A DrawableVBO is able to efficiently draw a large collection of geometries.
DrawableVBO2 |
A DrawableVBO2 is able to efficiently draw a large collection of geometries.
drawf |
drawf |
drawf |
DualDepthPeelingAlgorithm |
EditorToolkit |
ElapsedTimeTickRenderer |
Input value is expected to be a number of elapsed seconds
EmulGLAnimator |
EmulGLCanvas |
This canvas allows rendering charts with jGL as OpenGL backend which perform in CPU.
EmulGLChartFactory |
EmulGLDrawableImage |
Renders an image at the specified 3d position.
EmulGLPainter |
EmulGLPainterFactory |
EmulGLSkin |
EmulGLSkin is a chart facade that returns known subtypes of chart components already downcasted.
EmulGLViewAndColorbarsLayout |
EmulGLViewOverlay |
EnlightableBar |
EnlightableDisk |
EnlightablePolygon |
EnlightableSphere |
A Sphere allows rendering a sphere.
EventParser |
EventRecorder |
EventReplay |
ExcelBuilder |
A utility wrapper around Apache POI Excel spreadsheet builder.
ExcelBuilder.Type |
ExcelBuilderMultiSheet |
Override the default ExcelBuilder to write over several excel sheet
once a cell column exceeds the maximum number of column for excel.
ExcelLoader<T> |
FallbackChart |
FallbackChartFactory |
FallbackChartFrameAbstract |
FallbackChartFrameMiglayout |
A frame to show a list of charts
FallbackChartFrameSwing |
A frame to show a list of charts
FallbackChartImagePanel |
FallbackPainterFactory |
FeedbackBufferAxisBox |
This AxisBox implementation was the first to appear in Jzy3d.
FileDataset |
FileReader |
Deprecated. |
FixedDecimalTickRenderer |
Force number to be represented with a given number of decimals
FlatLine2d |
FloatVBO |
Font |
A Font subset supported both by OpenGL 1 and AWT.
FrameAWT |
FrameSwing |
FrameSWTBridge |
FrontToBackPeelingAlgorithm |
Func3D |
Geometry |
GetOpenGLVersion_JOGL |
This shows how to switch OpenGL version with JOGL.
GetOpenGLVersion_Jzy3D |
This shows how to switch OpenGL version with JOGL.
GL<ImageType,FontType> |
GL is the main class of jGL 2.4.
GL |
GL |
gl_2d_clipping |
gl_2d_clipping is the clipping class for frame buffer of JavaGL 2.1.
gl_blend_pixel |
gl_blend_pixel is the pixel blending class of jGL 2.4.
gl_clipping |
gl_clipping is the clipping class of jGL 2.4.
gl_colorbuffer |
gl_colorbuffer is the color buffer class of jGL 2.4.
gl_context |
gl_context is the context class of jGL 2.4.
gl_cp_clipping |
gl_cp_clipping is the clipping class for clipping plane of JavaGL 2.1.
gl_cp_color_clipping |
gl_cp_color_clipping is the clipping class for clipping plane with color of JavaGL 2.1.
gl_cp_lit_tex_clipping |
gl_cp_lit_tex_clipping is the clipping class for clipping plane with texturing and lighting of
jGL 2.3.
gl_cp_tex_clipping |
gl_cp_tex_clipping is the clipping class for clipping plane with texturing of JavaGL 2.1.
gl_current |
gl_current is the current values and associated data class of jGL 2.4.
gl_depth |
gl_depth is the rendering class for depth of JavaGL 2.1.
gl_depth_geo |
gl_depth_geo is the geometry class with depth value of JavaGL 2.1.
gl_depthbuffer |
gl_depthbuffer is the depth buffer class of jGL 2.4.
gl_enable |
gl_enable is the enable class of JavaGL 2.1.
gl_eval |
gl_eval is the evaluators state class of jGL 2.4.
gl_eval_map1 |
gl_eval_map1 is the evaluator 1D map class of JavaGL 2.1.
gl_eval_map2 |
gl_eval_map2 is the evaluator 2D map class of JavaGL 2.1.
gl_feedback |
gl_feedback is the FeedBack class of JavaGL 1.0.
gl_geometry |
gl_geometry is the basic geometry class of jGL 2.4.
gl_image |
gl_image the Image class of jGL 2.4.
gl_light |
gl_light is the lighting light class of jGL 2.4.
gl_lighting |
gl_lighting is the lighting class of jGL 2.4.
gl_list |
gl_list is the list class of jGL 2.4.
gl_list_item |
gl_list_item is the List Item class of jGL 2.3.
gl_lit_tex |
gl_lit_tex is the rendering class for texturing with lighting of jGL 2.4.
gl_lit_tex_geo |
gl_lit_tex_geo is geometry class for texturing with lighting of jGL 2.4.
gl_lit_tex_z |
gl_lit_tex_z is the rendering class for texturing with lighting and depth of jGL 2.3.
gl_lit_tex_z_geo |
gl_lit_tex_z_geo is the geometry class for texturing with lighting and depth value of jGL 2.3.
gl_material |
gl_material is the lighting masterial color class of jGL 2.4.
gl_object |
gl_object is the super class of context and list of jGL 2.4.
gl_pixel |
gl_pixel is the pixels class of jGL 2.4.
gl_pixel_map |
gl_pixel_map is the pixel map class of JavaGL 2.1.
gl_pixel_pack |
gl_pixel_pack is the pixel pack and unpack class of jGL 2.4.
gl_pixel_transfer |
gl_pixel_transfer is the pixel transfer class of JavaGL 2.1.
gl_pointer |
gl_pointer is the class points to all current instants of jGL 2.4.
gl_polygon |
gl_polygon is the Polygon class of JavaGL 1.1.
gl_raster |
gl_raster is the rasterization class of jGL 2.4.
gl_render |
gl_render is the basic rendering class of JavaGL 2.1.
gl_render_pixel |
gl_render_pixel is the basic pixel rendering class of jGL 2.3.
gl_render_point |
gl_render_point is the point rendering class of JavaGL 2.1.
gl_select |
gl_select is the selection class of JavaGL 2.1.
gl_select_pixel |
gl_select_pixel is the pixel rendering class for selection of JavaGL 2.1.
gl_select_render |
gl_select_render is the rendering class for selection of JavaGL 2.1.
gl_smooth |
gl_smooth is the rendering class with smooth shading of jGL 2.4.
gl_smooth_geo |
gl_smooth_geo is the geometry class for smooth shading of jGL 2.4.
gl_smooth_z |
gl_smooth_z is the rendering class for smooth shading and depth of JavaGL 2.1.
gl_smooth_z_geo |
gl_smooth_z_geo is geometry class for smooth shading with depth of JavaGL 2.1.
gl_stencilbuffer |
gl_stencilbuffer is the stenciling buffer class of jGL 2.4.
gl_stipple_line_pixel |
gl_stipple_line_pixel is the pixel class for stippled line of JavaGL 2.1.
gl_stipple_pixel |
gl_stipple_pixel is pixel class for stipple of JavaGL 2.1.
gl_stipple_poly_pixel |
gl_stipple_poly_pixel is pixel class for stippled polygon of JavaGL 2.1.
gl_tex |
gl_tex is the rendering class for texturing of jGL 2.4.
gl_tex_geo |
gl_tex_geo is the geometry class for texturing of jGL 2.4.
gl_tex_z |
gl_tex_z is the rendering class for texturing with depth of JavaGL 2.1.
gl_tex_z_geo |
gl_tex_z_geo is the geometry class for texturing with depth value of JavaGL 2.1.
gl_texture |
gl_texture is the texturing class of jGL 2.4.
gl_texture_gen |
gl_texture_gen is the texgen class of jGL 2.3.
gl_texture_img |
gl_texture_img is the texturing x-D texture image at LOD i class of jGL 2.4.
gl_texture_obj |
gl_texture_obj is the texturing x-D class of jGL 2.4.
gl_transform |
gl_transform is the transformation class of jGL 2.4.
gl_util |
gl_util is the utility class of jGL 2.4.
gl_vertex |
gl_vertex is the Vertex class of JavaGL 2.0.
gl_viewport |
gl_viewport is the viewport class of jGL 2.4.
gl_vp_clipping |
gl_vp_clipping is the clipping class for viewport of JavaGL 2.1.
gl_vp_color_clipping |
gl_vp_color_clipping is the clipping class for viewport with color of JavaGL 2.1.
gl_vp_lit_tex_clipping |
gl_vp_lit_tex_clipping is the clipping class for viewport with texturing and lighting of jGL 2.3.
gl_vp_tex_clipping |
gl_vp_tex_clipping is the clipping class for viewport with texturing of JavaGL 2.1.
GL.ImageLayer |
GL.PixelScaleListener |
GLApplet |
GLApplet is the applet class of jGL 2.4.
GLAUX is the aux class of JavaGL 2.1.
GLCanvas |
GLCanvas is the canvas class of jGL 2.4.
gle_context |
gle_context is the extension context class of jGL 2.5.
gle_phong |
gle_phong is the rendering class for phong shading as an extension of jGL 2.5.
gle_phong_geo |
gle_phong_geo is the geometry class for phong shading of jGL 2.5.
gle_phong_z |
gle_phong_z is the rendering class for phong shading with depth of jGL 2.5.
gle_phong_z_geo |
gle_phong_z_geo is the geometry class for phong shading with depth value of jGL 2.5.
gle_pointer |
gle_pointer is the class points to all current extension instants of jGL 2.5.
gle_vertex |
gle_vertex is the extension Vertex class of jGL 2.5.
GLErrorReader |
This utility allows checking the GL2 error bit after a call to a GL2 command.
GLES2CompatUtils |
GLJ3D is the Java3d like class of JavaGL 2.2.
GLJ3DGeometry |
GLJ3DGeometry is the Java3d geometry like class of JavaGL 2.2.
GLSLProgram |
Below is description of the GLSL program lifecycle, with Jzy3d methods, and underlying OpenGL
GLSLProgram.GLSLWarnType |
GLSLProgram.Strictness |
Control the behaviour of a GLSL program with errors (throwing exceptions, create warnings, etc)
GLU is the glu class of jGL 2.4.
GLUnurbsObj |
GLUnurbsObj is NURBS object of the GLU class of JavaGL 2.1.
GLUquadricObj |
GLUquadricObj is one of the GLU class of JavaGL 1.1.
GLUT is the glut class of jGL 2.4.
glut_menu |
glut_menu is menu object of the GLUT class of jGL 2.4.
GLUTLambdaCallbackListener |
Newer, lambda based callback listener.
GLUTListener |
GLUTNoopListener |
GLUTReflectiveCallbackListener |
Old reflection based 'Method' callback based on method name.
GPUInfo |
GradientTextStyle |
GrahamScan |
Graph |
The scene's Graph basically stores the scene content and facilitate objects control.
Graph.GraphListener |
GraphChart |
GraphChartFactory |
GraphWindowFactory |
Grid |
Grid |
GridIndex |
Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
GridLoader |
Deprecated. |
hello |
hello |
HiDPIProportionalFontSizePolicy |
This is the greatest IFontSizePolicy since it scale base font with current pixel scale.
HiDPITwoFontSizesPolicy |
Reset the IAxisLayout font to IAxisLayout#getFont(HiDPI) .
Histogram |
Histogram2d |
HistogramBar |
Horizontal |
Provides constants for defining the horizontal alignment of a text, w.r.t. its position.
IAction |
IAnalysis |
IAnimator |
IAxis |
Specify services that a concrete Axe must provide.
IBoundingPolicy |
ICameraKeyController |
ICameraMouseController |
ICanvas |
A ICanvas represent the target component for rendering OpenGL.
ICanvasListener |
IChartFactory |
IColorbarLegend |
IColorbarSizingPolicy |
IColorMap |
This interface defines the set of methods that any concrete colormap should define in order to be
used by an object implementing the IMultiColorable interface.
IColorMappable |
ColorMappable interface.
IColorMapperUpdatePolicy |
IComparator<T> |
IComponentEventLog |
IComponentEventLog.ComponentEventType |
IContourColoringPolicy |
IContourGenerator |
IContourMeshGenerator |
IContourPictureGenerator |
IDepthPeelingAlgorithm |
A IDepthPeelingAlgorithm has a GLEventListener-like interface to act as a delegate for a
depth peeling renderer.
IDrawableFactory |
IDrawableFactoryDesign |
IDrawableGraph2d<V,E> |
IDrawableListener |
IEventLog |
IExcelBuilder |
IFallbackChart |
IFontSizePolicy |
IFrame |
IGLBindedResource |
Defines an objects that uses resources that should be loaded using an available GL context.
IGLLoader<T extends Drawable> |
Defines a loader that requires a GL context.
IGLRenderer |
IGraph<V,E> |
IGraphFormatter<V,E> |
IGraphLayout2d<V> |
IImageViewport |
IImageWrapper |
IInteractiveTooltipRenderer |
IInterpolator |
IKeyEventLog |
IKeyEventLog.KeyEventType |
ILegend |
ILightKeyController |
ILineStripMergePolicy |
ILoader |
ImagePanel |
ImageToDraw<Image> |
IMonitorable |
IMouseEventLog |
IMouseEventLog.MouseEventType |
IMousePickingController |
IMultiColorable |
IMultiColorable objects may have several colors interpolated between each of their
individual points colors.
INativeCanvas |
IncreaseParamRemapTask |
IntegerCoord2d |
IntegerTickRenderer |
InteractiveTooltip |
IObjectPickedListener |
IObjectTopology<O> |
IOParsers |
IPainter |
An IPainter offers methods for drawing and viewing 3d objects.
IPainterFactory |
IProjection |
IRunnableAnalysis |
IScaleChangedListener |
IScreenCanvas |
An IScreenCanvas defines a panel into which rendering occurs, and that can be integrated
in an existing GUI.
IScreenshotKeyController |
IScreenshotKeyController.IScreenshotEventListener |
ISingleColorable |
ISingleColorable objects have a single plain color and a must define a setter for it.
ISortableDraw |
ISquarifier |
ITextRenderer |
ITickProvider |
ITickRenderer |
ITooltipRenderer |
ITranslucent |
IViewEventListener |
IViewLifecycleEventListener |
IViewModeChangedListener |
IViewOverlay |
IViewPointChangedListener |
IViewportLayout |
IWindowEventLog |
IWindowEventLog.WindowEventType |
JarvisMarch |
Luokka kääntyy, muttei toimi vielä.
JDTConverter |
JGLCanvas |
jGLUtil |
JOGLTextRenderer2d |
Render 2D texts using JOGL TextRenderer .
JOGLTextRenderer3d |
Render texts using JOGL TextRenderer .
KeyboardCallback |
KeyEventLog |
LabelOrientation |
LazySVM |
LazySVM either reload an existing model, or train and save a model in InstantSVM library.
Legend |
LegendLayout |
LegendLayout.Corner |
LibSvmConsole |
LibSvmIO |
light |
light |
light |
Light |
Adds light to a scene which allows shading the Geometry 's colors according to the angle
between the light and the Geometry , which is required to perceive the volume of an
Light.Type |
LightEditor |
LightModel |
A simple enum to define light models, as documented in the Light javadoc.
LightPoint |
LightSet |
Line2D_DemoAWT |
LineLegendLayout |
lines |
lines |
lines |
LineSerie2d |
LineSerie2dSplitted |
LineStrip |
Color works as follow:
If wireframe color is null (default), uses each point color and performs color interpolation
Otherwise apply a uniform wireframe color.
LineStripInterpolated |
Creates an interpolated line to make a smooth 3d curve based on control points.
list |
list |
list |
ListMode |
Lists |
LizardVolumeDemo |
Get lizard file from
LODCandidates |
List of Level-Of-Details settings, ranked from most good looking to less good looking.
LODPerf |
Hold performance results of multiple candidate LODSetting aiming at choosing an
appropriate level of details according to the rendering time expectations.
LODSetting |
LODSetting.Bounds |
LODSetting.FaceColor |
LODSetting.Light |
LODSetting.WireColor |
LookAndFeel |
Mapper |
Deprecated. |
Mapper |
MapperContourMeshGenerator |
MapperContourPictureGenerator |
MaskImageSymbolHandler |
MaskPair |
mat_t |
mat_t is one of the AUX class of JavaGL 1.1.
material |
material |
material |
MaterialEditor |
MaterialProperty |
A simple enum to define material property names, as documented in the Light javadoc.
MatlabDrawableLoader |
Load a Matlab (TM) .mat file, assuming it contains at least three arrays named "X", "Y" and "Z".
MatlabVBOLoader |
Load a Matlab (TM) .mat file, assuming it contains at least three arrays named "X", "Y" and "Z".
MaxShrinkSizingPolicy |
Measure |
A class for holding measurements about something in a very loose way using a map
Measure.CanvasPerfMeasure |
MinDimSizingPolicy |
mipmap |
mipmap |
mipmap |
model |
model |
model |
structure for each geometric object
Monitor |
MonitorScatter |
MonitorXLS |
MotionCallback |
MouseCallback |
MouseEventLog |
movelight |
movelight |
movelight |
MultiChartPanel |
MultiDrawable |
MultithreadedGraph |
Split drawing tasks to multiple thread, and wait for termination of all drawing tasks
before exiting the draw method, hence ensuring a consistent display.
NativeAnimator |
NativeChartTester |
NativeDesktopPainter |
NativeDrawableFactory |
NativeDrawableImage |
A NativeDrawableImage can only mount its texture while the GL2 thread is current, so the
best is to let draw() automount texture file the first time the resource is required.
NativeEmbeddedPainter |
NativePainterFactory |
NativePlatform |
NativeRenderer |
The NativeRenderer object is a GLEventListener , that makes openGL calls necessary
to initialize and render a Scene for an ICanvas .
NativeViewAndColorbarsLayout |
This implementation allows to shrink colorbar, assuming it is an AWT implementation from which we
can read image width
NewtCameraKeyController |
NewtCameraMouseController |
NewtChartFactory |
Still using some AWT components
NewtLightKeyController |
NewtMousePickingController |
NewtMousePickingPan2dController |
NewtMouseUtilities |
NewtPainterFactory |
NewtScreenshotKeyController |
Saves a screenshot in PNG format once key S is pressed.
NewtToAWTKeyListener |
NewtToAWTMouseListener |
NewtViewCameraController |
Node<T> |
Normal |
Normal.NormalMode |
Indicates how the normal of a vertex is computed
SHARED: as a mean of all polygons that the vertex belongs to.
Normal.NormalPer |
Indicate if normals are defined per point or per geometry.
NotImplementedException |
nurbs_bz_curv |
nurbs_bz_curv is one of the GLU NURBS class of JavaGL 2.1.
nurbs_bz_surf |
nurbs_bz_surf is one of the GLU NURBS class of JavaGL 2.1.
nurbs_ct_curv |
nurbs_ct_curv is one of the GLU NURBS class of JavaGL 2.1.
nurbs_ct_curvs |
nurbs_ct_curvs is one of the GLU NURBS class of JavaGL 2.1.
nurbs_ct_surf |
nurbs_ct_surf is one of the GLU NURBS class of JavaGL 2.1.
nurbs_ct_surfs |
nurbs_ct_surfs is one of the GLU NURBS class of JavaGL 2.1.
nurbs_curve |
nurbs_curve is one of the GLU NURBS class of JavaGL 2.1.
nurbs_curves |
nurbs_curves is one of the GLU NURBS class of JavaGL 2.1.
nurbs_knot |
nurbs_knot is one of the GLU NURBS class of JavaGL 2.1.
nurbs_nurbs |
nurbs_nurbs is the super class of curve and surface of GLU NURBS of JavaGL 2.1.
nurbs_obj |
nurbs_obj is one of the GLU NURBS class of JavaGL 2.1.
nurbs_pwl_curve |
nurbs_pwl_curve is one of the GLU NURBS class of JavaGL 2.1.
nurbs_surface |
nurbs_surface is one of the GLU NURBS class of JavaGL 2.1.
nurbs_surfaces |
nurbs_surfaces is one of the GLU NURBS class of JavaGL 2.1.
nurbs_trim |
nurbs_trim is one of the GLU class of JavaGL 2.1.
ObjFaceFormat |
OBJFile |
Translated from C++ Version: nvModel.h - Model support class
The nvModel class implements an interface for a multipurpose model object.
OBJFile.PrimType |
Enumeration of primitive types
OBJFileLoader |
OffscreenCanvas |
An ICanvas implementation able to render the chart in an offscreen canvas, meaning no
frame or GUI is needed to get a chart.
OffscreenChartFactory |
OffscreenWindowFactory |
OldRingTesselator |
Deprecated. |
OperatingSystem |
OrderingScoreColormapper |
OrderingStrategyScoreColorMapper |
OrthonormalGrid |
OrthonormalTessellator |
The OrthonormalTessellator checks that coordinates are lying on an orthormal grid, and is
able to provide a Composite made of Polygon s built according to this grid
On this model, one input coordinate is represented by one Polygon , for which each point
is a mean point between two grid ticks:
OutlierRemover |
OverlayLegendRenderer |
Params - margin - corner - constraints : byDimension (maxWidth) or byText - interligne - font
size / font style
OverlayUtils |
Helps understanding how overlay is actually performed by JOGL2.
Pair<X,Y> |
Class Pair.
Parallelepiped |
A Parallelepiped is a parallelepiped rectangle that is Drawable and Wireframeable.
ParallelepipedComposite |
A composite implementation of a parallelepiped, meaning it can be decomposed into distinct
primitive for polygon ordering.
ParallelepipedComposite.PolygonType |
Parameters |
options: -s svm_type : set type of SVM (default 0) 0 -- C-SVC 1 -- nu-SVC 2 -- one-class SVM 3 --
epsilon-SVR 4 -- nu-SVR -t kernel_type : set type of kernel function (default 2) 0 -- linear:
u'*v 1 -- polynomial: (gamma*u'*v + coef0)^degree 2 -- radial basis function: exp(-gamma*|u-v|^2)
3 -- sigmoid: tanh(gamma*u'*v + coef0) 4 -- precomputed kernel (kernel values in
training_set_file) -d degree : set degree in kernel function (default 3) -g gamma : set gamma in
kernel function (default 1/num_features) -r coef0 : set coef0 in kernel function (default 0) -c
cost : set the parameter C of C-SVC, epsilon-SVR, and nu-SVR (default 1) -n nu : set the
parameter nu of nu-SVC, one-class SVM, and nu-SVR (default 0.5) -p epsilon : set the epsilon in
loss function of epsilon-SVR (default 0.1) -m cachesize : set cache memory size in MB (default
100) -e epsilon : set tolerance of termination criterion (default 0.001) -h shrinking : whether
to use the shrinking heuristics, 0 or 1 (default 1) -b probability_estimates : whether to train a
SVC or SVR model for probability estimates, 0 or 1 (default 0) -wi weight : set the parameter C
of class i to weight*C, for C-SVC (default 1) -v n : n-fold cross validation mode -q : quiet mode
(no outputs)
ParametricAbcd |
ParametricCircle |
ParametricDrawable |
ParametricDrawable2 |
ParametricEquation |
ParametricEquation2 |
ParametricHelix |
ParametricTorus |
Patient |
PatientCleaner |
PeelingMethod |
Status of peeling methods on {macOS 10.12 + NVidia GPU} {Ubuntu 20.04 + Intel Iris GPU}
KO - WEIGHTED_SUM_MODE : no compilation problem BUT overlapping parts (translucent or opaque)
are black
Status of peeling methods on macOS 11.4 + M1 (Silicon)
KO - WEIGHTED_AVERAGE_MODE : renders correctly BUT make opaque object appear translucent
(e.g. the blue cube of this demo)
KO - WEIGHTED_SUM_MODE : no compilation problem BUT overlapping parts (translucent or opaque)
are black
KO - F2B_PEELING_MODE : Hangs before display (reproduce with chart.get
Permutations |
Generate all possible permutations of the input list
May study as an faster alternative.
Pickable |
PickablePoint |
PickablePolygon |
PickableSphere |
PickableTexture |
pickdepth |
pickdepth |
pickdepth |
PickingSupport |
picksquare |
picksquare |
picksquare |
PitchTickProvider |
A tick provider for musical notation.
PitchTickRenderer |
Renders ticks to display a note name instead of frequency value.
PixelScaleWatch |
PixelStore |
PlaneAxis |
planet |
planet |
planet |
Platform |
Ply |
Point |
This class represents a 3D point, with some simple geometric methods (pointLineTest).
Point |
A Point3d is a storage for a Coord3d and a Color that represents a drawable 3d point.
Point2D |
PointGraph2d<V,E> |
PointOrderingStrategy |
Polygon |
Supports additional settings
Polygon2d |
PolygonArray |
PolygonFill |
PolygonMode |
PolygonProjection |
PolygonVBO |
polys |
polys |
polys |
ProjectionComparator |
ProjectionMode |
ProjectionUtils |
Psy4j |
Psy4jIO |
Quad |
A Quad extends a Polygon in order to provide a specific draw() method
that relies on a dedicated GL2 call (GL_QUADS), and to ensure the number of points is never
greater than 4.
quadric |
quadric |
Quality |
Provides a structure for setting the rendering quality, i.e., the tradeoff between computation
speed, and graphic quality.
QuickSort |
RadialComparator |
RandomGeom |
Range |
For some naming relevance, a simple extention of Scale.
RateLimiter |
RateLimiterAdaptsToRenderTime |
This rate limiter keeps an history of past rendering time to auto configure the rate limit
and ensure we stick to actual rendering time before doing an action.
RateLimiterByMilisecond |
Rectangle |
Replacement for java.awt.Rectangle
RegressionDemo |
RegressionInputs |
RegressionParameters |
RegressionParamsEditor |
RegressionSVM |
RegularTickProvider |
Renderer |
Renderer3d |
The Renderer3d is a GLEventListener that handles init, display, reshape and
screenshots of a Scene in a ICanvas .
RenderMode |
ReshapeCallback |
RingExtrapolator |
RingGrid |
RingInterpolator |
RingsRegressionDemo |
RingTessellator |
robot |
robot |
robot |
RobustDeterminant |
Rotate |
Rotate is a Transformer that stores the angle and rotate values required to perform the
effective OpenGL rotation in the ModelView matrix.
RotationMatrix |
Rotator |
SampleGeom |
Scale |
Scale |
Scale is a Transformer that stores the scaling factor required to perform the effective
OpenGL2 scaling in the ModelView Matrix.
ScaleChangedEvent |
ScaleFinder |
Scatter |
A collection of coordinates rendered as dots.
Scatter2D_DemoAWT |
Demonstrate a 2D scatter chart
ScatterDemoAWT |
ScatterDemoEmulGL |
ScatterEmulGL_ReportXLS_Plot |
ScatterMultiColor |
A scatter plot supporting a colormap for shading each dot color and alpha.
ScatterMultiColorList |
A scatter plot supporting a List as input.
ScatterPoint |
Experimental 3d object.
ScatterPointSerie2d |
ScatterSerie2d |
ScatterVBO |
Scenario |
ScenarioFiles |
scene |
scene |
Scene |
A Scene holds a Graph to be rendered by a list View s.
ScientificNotationTickRenderer |
Formats 1000 to '1.0e3'
select |
select |
select |
Selectable |
An Selectable object is supposed to be able to compute its projection on the screen
according to the Camera settings (viewport, viewpoint, etc).
SelectableScatter |
A Scatter that supports an "highlighted status" to change selected point color
SelectableSphere |
SelectableView |
An {@ InteractiveView} handles 2d projection updates to ensure mouse is always computing
intersection with objects in a relevant state.
Serie2d |
Serie2d.Type |
SerieManager |
Sets |
Settings |
Settings is a singleton that holds general settings that configure Imaging classes
ShaderFilePair |
Store a pair of URL for a vertex and fragment shader, relative to a class Package .
ShaderMeshDrawableVBO |
ShaderMeshVBOBuilder |
ShaderWaterfallDrawableVBO |
ShaderWaterfallVBOBuilder |
ShadowedTextStyle |
Shape |
SharedTexture |
simple |
simple |
simple |
SimpleCsv |
SimpleDir |
SimpleFile |
SimplePolygon |
A SimplePolygon makes the simplest possible GL rendering with especially no:
gl.glPolygonMode(GL2.GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL2.GL_FILL);
SingleParameterMapper |
A base implementation for a Mapper with a single parameter used while applying f(x,y).
SmartTickProvider |
Compute the ticks placements automatically between values min and max.
smooth |
smooth |
smooth |
SpaceTransform |
Specify an axe transform (e.g. for log axes)
SpaceTransformedRegularTickProvider |
Build a sequence of regularly spaced ticks in case of space transformed charts (e.g. log charts).
SpaceTransformer |
SpaceTransformLog |
Apply log transform if value is greater than 0 (otherwise return 0).
SpaceTransformLog2 |
Apply log transform if value is greater than 0 (otherwise return 0).
SpaceTransformLogX |
Apply log(e) transform if value is greater than 0 (otherwise return 0).
SpaceTransformNone |
Do not apply any transform (return input value).
Sphere |
Allows rendering a sphere.
SphereScatterGenerator |
SphereVBO |
SphereVBO.SphereKey |
SphereVBO.VBOSphereMeshBuilder |
This load the definition of a VBO sphere object and set arrays for later rendering.
Spline3D |
This is a generic 3D B-Spline class for curves of arbitrary length, control handles and patches
are created and joined automatically as described here:
SquarifyDemo |
StaticFontSizePolicy |
Does nothing but returningIAxisLayout#getFont() .
StaticTickProvider |
Statistics |
StencilFunc |
StencilOp |
StringGraphGenerator |
stroke |
stroke |
stroke |
surface |
surface |
surface |
Surface |
A helper to generate drawable surfaces.
Surface2D_DemoAWT |
Demonstrate a 2D surface chart
SurfaceBuilder |
SurfaceDemoAWT |
Demo an AWT chart using JOGL GLCanvas .
SurfaceDemoAWTNewt |
Demo an AWT chart using JOGL NewtCanvasAWT wrapped in an AWT Panel .
SurfaceDemoEmulGL |
Demo an AWT chart using jGL for CPU rendering (instead of GPU rendering).
SurfaceDemoFallback |
Illustrate how to create charts relying on offscreen image generation, then display this image in
a standard swing component.
SurfaceDemoSwing |
Demo an Swing chart using JOGL GLJPanel .
SurfaceDemoSWT |
Demo an AWT chart using JOGL NewtCanvasSWT wrapped in a SWT Composite .
SurfaceDemoSWTAWTBridge |
SurfaceEmulGL_ReportXLS_Dump |
Demo an AWT chart using jGL GLCanvas for CPU rendering (instead of GPU rendering).
svm |
svm_model |
svm_node |
svm_parameter |
svm_print_interface |
svm_problem |
SvmGrid |
SvmMapper |
SwingChart |
SwingChartFactory |
SwingChartGroupWindow |
A frame to show a list of charts
SwingChartLauncher |
SwingDoubleBufferedPanel |
SwingPainterFactory |
SwingSimpleBufferedPanel |
SWT_AWT_Bridge |
Adapts an AWT component into an SWT container.
SWT_AWT_ImageConverter |
SWTAnalysisLauncher |
SWTBridgeChartFactory |
SWTBridgePainterFactory |
SWTChart |
SWTChartFactory |
SWTPainterFactory |
SymbolHandler |
tea |
tea |
tea |
teapot |
teapot is the teapot class of jGL 2.4.
Teapot |
TeapotDemo |
teapots |
teapots |
teapots |
TesselatedPolygon |
A polygon made of two triangles with no wireframe on their adjacent side.
Tessellator |
texbind |
texbind |
texgen |
texgen |
texgen |
texsub |
texsub |
TextAlign |
TextBillboardRenderer |
Deprecated. |
TextBitmapRenderer |
Deprecated. |
TextCellRenderer |
Experimental Wraps a Text into a cell with an assigned number of char width.
TextImageRenderer |
TextLayout |
A helper to process text position according to a Horizontal , Vertical , text height and
TextRenderer |
TextToDraw<Font> |
TextTooltipRenderer |
texture3d |
texture3d |
Texture3D |
TexturedCube |
TexturedCylinder |
TextureFactory |
TextureGraph2d<V,E> |
texturesurf |
texturesurf |
texturesurf |
TickLabelMap |
An ITickRenderer that can store a list of labels for given axis values.
TicToc |
Timer |
Timestamped |
To be enhanced (wrapper tictoc)
Toggle |
ToLine<T> |
Deprecated. |
Tooltip |
TooltipRenderer |
torus |
torus |
Transform |
Transformer |
A Transformer is able to execute a transformation into the OpenGL ModelView Matrix.
Translate |
Translate is a Transformer that stores the offset required to perform the effective
OpenGL2 translation in the ModelView Matrix.
TranslateDrawable |
Translate drawable to (0,0,0) or back to its previous position according to the input parameters.
TranslucentQuad |
Triangle |
This class performs a 3D triangulation for each point inserted or deleted
Triangle |
Triangle2d |
TriangleStripVBO |
TriangleVBO |
trim_list |
trim_list is one of the GLU class of JavaGL 2.1.
trim_segments |
trim_segments is one of the GLU class of JavaGL 2.1.
Tube |
A Tube may be used to render cylinders or pyramids, according to its input parameters.
unproject |
unproject |
UnsupportedFormatException |
Util |
Utils |
Utils |
VBO<T> |
VBOBufferLoader |
VBOBufferLoaderForArrays |
VBOBufferLoaderForPolygons |
VBOBufferLoaderForPolygonsPrimitiveRestart |
===================== WIP / Not working yet =====================
Limitations of primitive restart are discussed here :
A utility class to build buffers to feed a DrawableVBO2 using Primitive restart.
VBOBuilder |
The VBOBuilder is responsible for sizing a FloatVBO , filling it with vertex
coordinates and colors properties, and configure a DrawableVBO with filled buffer.
VBOBuilderListCoord3d |
A simple loader loading an existing collection of coordinates into a Vertex Buffer Objects once
GL initialization stage requires it to be loaded.
Vector2d |
Storage for a 2 dimensional vector defined by two points.
Vector3d |
Storage for a 3 dimensional vector defined by two points.
Vertical |
Provides constants for defining the vertical alignment of a text, w.r.t. its position.
View |
View2d |
View2DLayout |
Allows configuring the layout of a view when the chart enters a 2D rendering mode.
View2DLayout_Debug |
View2DProcessing |
Process and store the layout of a 2D view having margins and axis labels defined by the
View2DLayout settings.
ViewAndColorbarsLayout |
This class handles the layout of a main 3D plot on the left with additional legends (colorbars)
on the right side.
ViewAndLegendLayout |
ViewBoundMode |
Indicates a bounding mode.
ViewCameraController |
Supports a View as target, instead of a chart.
ViewEventAdapter |
ViewIsVerticalEvent |
ViewLifecycleAdapter |
ViewLifecycleEvent |
ViewModeChangedEvent |
ViewPointChangedEvent |
ViewportBuilder |
ViewportConfiguration |
ViewportMode |
ViewPositionMode |
The ViewBoundMode allows to apply a restriction on the degree of freedom that is let on
the View control.
Volume |
WaterfallComposite |
WaterfallDemo |
WaterfallTessellator |
WeightedAveragePeelingAlgorithm |
WeightedSumPeelingAlgorithm |
WindowEventLog |
WindowingToolkit |
Wireframeable |
WorldMapDemo |
WorldMapLoader |
XLSObjectIO<T> |
XValDemo |
XValResult |
XYComparator |
XYSquarifier |
XY square, YZ correct aspect ratio
XZSquarifier |
XZ square, XY correct aspect ratio
YXSquarifier |
XY square, XZ correct aspect ratio
YZSquarifier |
ZY square, XY correct aspect ratio
ZAxisSide |
ZXSquarifier |
XZ square, YZ correct aspect ratio
ZYSquarifier |
YZ square, XZ correct aspect ratio