Class Angle2d

  • public class Angle2d
    extends Object
    An Angle2d stores three 2d points, considering the angle is on the second one. An instance may return angle(), cos() and sin()
    • Constructor Detail

      • Angle2d

        public Angle2d​(float x1,
                       float y1,
                       float x2,
                       float y2,
                       float x3,
                       float y3)
        Create an angle, described by three points.
      • Angle2d

        public Angle2d​(Coord2d p1,
                       Coord2d p2,
                       Coord2d p3)
        Create an angle, described by three coordinates.
    • Method Detail

      • sin

        public float sin()
        Computes the sinus of the angle, by creating a fourth point on an orthogonal direction.
      • cos

        public float cos()
        Computes cosinus of the angle
      • angle

        public float angle()
        Computes the angle at vertex p2 between vectors p1,p2 and p3,p2. Returns 0 to PI radians.