Uses of Interface
Uses of IPainter in org.jzy3d.chart
Methods in org.jzy3d.chart that return IPainter Modifier and Type Method Description IPainter
Chart. getPainter()
Uses of IPainter in org.jzy3d.chart.controllers.mouse.picking
Methods in org.jzy3d.chart.controllers.mouse.picking with parameters of type IPainter Modifier and Type Method Description void
PickingSupport. pickObjects(IPainter painter, View view, Graph graph, IntegerCoord2d pickPoint)
protected void
PickingSupport. releaseCurrentName(IPainter painter)
protected void
PickingSupport. setCurrentName(IPainter painter, Pickable pickable)
Uses of IPainter in org.jzy3d.chart.factories
Methods in org.jzy3d.chart.factories that return IPainter Modifier and Type Method Description IPainter
IPainterFactory. newPainter()
NativePainterFactory. newPainter()
Uses of IPainter in org.jzy3d.chart2d
Methods in org.jzy3d.chart2d with parameters of type IPainter Modifier and Type Method Description BoundingBox3d
AxisBox2d.RotatedTextBitmapRenderer. drawText(IPainter painter, Font font, String text, Coord3d position, float rotation, Horizontal halign, Vertical valign, Color color, Coord2d screenOffset, Coord3d sceneOffset)
AxisBox2d. drawTicksAndLabels(IPainter painter)
Renders only X and Y ticks.void
AxisBox2d.RotatedTextBitmapRenderer. rotateText(IPainter painter, Coord3d posReal)
Uses of IPainter in
Methods in with parameters of type IPainter Modifier and Type Method Description void
IGLLoader. load(IPainter painter, T drawable)
Uses of IPainter in
Methods in with parameters of type IPainter Modifier and Type Method Description void
MatlabVBOLoader. load(IPainter painter, DrawableVBO drawable)
Uses of IPainter in
Methods in with parameters of type IPainter Modifier and Type Method Description void
OBJFileLoader. load(IPainter painter, DrawableVBO drawable)
Uses of IPainter in org.jzy3d.painters
Classes in org.jzy3d.painters that implement IPainter Modifier and Type Class Description class
Uses of IPainter in org.jzy3d.plot2d.primitive
Methods in org.jzy3d.plot2d.primitive with parameters of type IPainter Modifier and Type Method Description protected int
AWTColorbarImageGenerator. getMaxTickLabelWidth(IPainter painter)
AWTColorbarImageGenerator. getPreferedWidth(IPainter painter)
Compute the optimal image width to contain the text as defined by the tick provided and renderer. -
Uses of IPainter in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives
Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives with parameters of type IPainter Modifier and Type Method Description protected void
Wireframeable. applyDepthRangeDefault(IPainter painter)
protected void
Wireframeable. applyDepthRangeForOverlying(IPainter painter)
protected void
Wireframeable. applyDepthRangeForUnderlying(IPainter painter)
protected void
Wireframeable. applyMaterial(IPainter painter)
Applies material settingsprotected void
Geometry. applyPointOrMapperColor(IPainter painter, Point p)
Apply mapper color if a mapper is defined and store the result in the point color, or use point color if mapper is undefined.protected abstract void
Geometry. begin(IPainter painter)
Invoke GL begin with the actual geometry typeGL#GL_POINTS
...protected void
Polygon. begin(IPainter painter)
protected void
Quad. begin(IPainter painter)
protected void
Triangle. begin(IPainter painter)
ColoredWireframePolygon. callPointForWireframe(IPainter painter)
protected void
Geometry. callPointForWireframe(IPainter painter)
Drawing the point list in wireframe modeprotected void
Geometry. callPointsForFace(IPainter painter)
Drawing the point list in face mode (polygon content)protected void
Geometry. callPointsForFace_NoSplit(IPainter painter)
protected void
Geometry. callPointsForFace_NoSplit_NoNormal(IPainter painter)
protected void
Geometry. callPointsForFace_NoSplit_NormalAuto(IPainter painter)
protected void
Geometry. callPointsForFace_NoSplit_NormalSupplied(IPainter painter)
protected void
Geometry. callPointsForFace_SplitInTriangle(IPainter painter)
protected void
Geometry. callPointsForFace_SplitInTriangle_NormalAuto(IPainter painter, Point p1, Point p2, Point p3)
protected void
Geometry. callPointsForFace_SplitInTriangle_NormalSupplied(IPainter painter, Point p1, Point p2, Point p3, int t)
protected void
CompileableComposite. compile(IPainter painter)
If you call compile, the display list will be regenerated.protected void
Drawable. doDrawBoundsIfDisplayed(IPainter painter)
protected void
MultiDrawable. doDrawBoundsIfDisplayed(IPainter painter)
protected void
Wireframeable. doDrawBoundsIfDisplayed(IPainter painter)
protected void
CubeGLUT. doDrawCube(IPainter painter)
protected void
Disk. doDrawDisk(IPainter painter)
protected void
ConcurrentScatterPoint. doDrawPoints(IPainter painter)
protected void
Scatter. doDrawPoints(IPainter painter)
protected void
ScatterMultiColor. doDrawPoints(IPainter painter)
protected void
ScatterMultiColorList. doDrawPoints(IPainter painter)
protected void
ScatterPoint. doDrawPoints(IPainter painter)
protected void
Sphere. doDrawSphere(IPainter painter)
Drawable. doTransform(IPainter painter)
MultiDrawable. doTransform(IPainter painter)
ColoredWireframePolygon. draw(IPainter painter)
CompileableComposite. draw(IPainter painter)
Reset the object if required, compile the object if it is not compiled, and execute actual rendering.void
Composite. draw(IPainter painter)
Delegate rendering iteratively to all Drawable of this composite.void
ConcurrentScatterMultiColor. draw(IPainter painter)
ConcurrentScatterMultiColorList. draw(IPainter painter)
CoplanarityManager. draw(IPainter painter)
Implements recipe given byvoid
CubeGLUT. draw(IPainter painter)
Disk. draw(IPainter painter)
abstract void
Drawable. draw(IPainter painter)
Call OpenGL2 routines for rendering the object.void
DrawableBoundingBox. draw(IPainter painter)
EmulGLDrawableImage. draw(IPainter painter)
Geometry. draw(IPainter painter)
IGLRenderer. draw(IPainter painter)
LineStrip. draw(IPainter painter)
MultiDrawable. draw(IPainter painter)
Parallelepiped. draw(IPainter painter)
Point. draw(IPainter painter)
Scatter. draw(IPainter painter)
ScatterMultiColor. draw(IPainter painter)
ScatterMultiColorList. draw(IPainter painter)
ScatterPoint. draw(IPainter painter)
SimplePolygon. draw(IPainter painter)
Sphere. draw(IPainter painter)
Teapot. draw(IPainter painter)
Tube. draw(IPainter painter)
protected void
CompileableComposite. drawComponents(IPainter painter)
protected void
Geometry. drawFace(IPainter painter)
ConcurrentLineStrip. drawLine(IPainter painter)
ConcurrentLineStripSplitted. drawLine(IPainter painter)
CroppableLineStrip. drawLine(IPainter painter)
LineStrip. drawLine(IPainter painter)
ConcurrentLineStripSplitted. drawLineSegmentsByPointColor(IPainter painter)
ConcurrentLineStripSplitted. drawLineSegmentsByWireColor(IPainter painter)
protected void
Geometry. drawNormal(IPainter painter, Coord3d start, Coord3d end)
CroppableLineStrip. drawPoints(IPainter painter)
LineStrip. drawPoints(IPainter painter)
ConcurrentLineStrip. drawPointsIfEnabled(IPainter painter)
LineStrip. drawPointsIfEnabled(IPainter painter)
protected void
Geometry. drawPolygonNormal(IPainter painter, List<Point> points, List<Coord3d> normal)
protected void
Geometry. drawPolygonNormal(IPainter painter, List<Point> points, Coord3d normal)
protected void
Geometry. drawTriangleNormal(IPainter painter, Point p1, Point p2, Point p3, Coord3d normal)
protected void
Geometry. drawTriangleNormal(IPainter painter, Point p1, Point p2, Point p3, Coord3d n1, Coord3d n2, Coord3d n3)
protected void
Geometry. drawWireframe(IPainter painter)
protected void
CompileableComposite. execute(IPainter painter)
CoplanarityManager. mount(IPainter painter)
protected void
CoplanarityManager. mount(IPainter painter, Drawable d)
IGLBindedResource. mount(IPainter painter)
Mount resources to gl contextvoid
ConcurrentLineStripSplitted. pointColorSelf(IPainter painter, Point p)
ConcurrentLineStripSplitted. pointColorWire(IPainter painter, Point p)
protected void
Wireframeable. polygonOffsetFillDisable(IPainter painter)
protected void
Wireframeable. polygonOffsetFillEnable(IPainter painter)
protected void
Wireframeable. polygonOffsetLineDisable(IPainter painter)
protected void
Wireframeable. polygonOffsetLineEnable(IPainter painter)
protected void
CompileableComposite. reset(IPainter painter)
Uses of IPainter in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.axis
Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.axis with parameters of type IPainter Modifier and Type Method Description protected Coord2d
AxisLabelProcessor. axisLabelOffset(IPainter painter, AxisRenderingInfo info, Coord3d labelPosition, int margin)
Offset for oblique labelsprotected Coord2d
AxisLabelProcessor. axisLabelOffsetVertical(IPainter painter, AxisRenderingInfo info, Coord3d labelPosition, int margin)
Compute the offset to apply to a vertical Z label to avoid covering the tick labels.protected float
AxisLabelProcessor. axisLabelRotation(IPainter painter, int direction, Coord3d[] axisSegment)
Compute axis label rotation according to settings and direction of the axis segment.float
AxisLabelRotator. computeSegmentRotation2D(IPainter painter, Coord3d[] axisSegment)
Compute the 2D orientation (rotation) of an axis made of 2 3D points.AxisLabelRotator.TextLayout
AxisLabelRotator. computeTextLayout(IPainter painter, Coord3d[] segment3D, Coord3d center3D, Coord3d label3D, float offset)
Compute the 2D offset and rotation required to have axis label cleanly fitting around and axis and being parallel to the axis (as displayed in 2D on screen).void
AxisBox. cullingDisable(IPainter painter)
AxisBox. cullingEnable(IPainter painter)
AxisBox. doTransform(IPainter painter)
reset to identity and apply scalingvoid
AxisBase. draw(IPainter painter)
AxisBox. draw(IPainter painter)
Draws the AxisBox.void
ContourAxisBox. draw(IPainter painter)
IAxis. draw(IPainter painter)
protected void
AxisBox. drawAnnotations(IPainter painter)
protected void
AxisLabelProcessor. drawAxisLabel(IPainter painter, int direction, Color color, BoundingBox3d ticksTxtBounds, Coord3d position, String label, float rotation, Coord2d offset)
AxisTickProcessor. drawAxisTickNumericLabel(IPainter painter, int direction, Color color, Horizontal hAlign, Vertical vAlign, BoundingBox3d ticksTxtBounds, String tickLabel, Coord3d tickPosition)
AxisTickProcessor. drawAxisTicks(IPainter painter, int dimension, Color color, Horizontal hal, Vertical val, float tickLength, BoundingBox3d ticksTxtBounds, double xpos, double ypos, double zpos, float xdir, float ydir, float zdir, double[] ticks)
Draw an array of ticks on the given axis indicated by direction field.AxisRenderingInfo
AxisTickProcessor. drawAxisTicks(IPainter painter, int dimension, Color color, Horizontal hal, Vertical val, float tickLength, BoundingBox3d ticksTxtBounds, Coord3d pos, Coord3d dir, double[] ticks)
protected void
AxisBox. drawCube(IPainter painter, RenderMode mode)
protected void
FeedbackBufferAxisBox. drawCube(IPainter painter, RenderMode mode)
Make all GL2 calls allowing to build a cube with 6 separate quads.void
AxisBox. drawFace(IPainter painter)
AxisBox. drawGrid(IPainter painter)
protected void
AxisBox. drawGridOnQuad(IPainter painter, int quad)
ContourAxisBox. drawMesh(IPainter painter, ContourMesh mesh)
AxisTickProcessor. drawTickLine(IPainter painter, Color color, Coord3d pos, Coord3d lab)
Actually draws the line.BoundingBox3d
AxisTickProcessor. drawTicks(IPainter painter, int axis, int dimension, Color color)
AxisTickProcessor. drawTicks(IPainter painter, int axis, int dimension, Color color, Horizontal hal, Vertical val)
Draws axis labels, tick lines and tick labelvoid
AxisBox. drawTicksAndLabels(IPainter painter)
AxisBox. drawTicksAndLabelsX(IPainter painter)
AxisBox. drawTicksAndLabelsY(IPainter painter)
AxisBox. drawTicksAndLabelsZ(IPainter painter)
protected boolean[]
AxisBox. getHiddenQuads(IPainter painter)
Computes the visibility of each cube face.protected boolean[]
FeedbackBufferAxisBox. getHiddenQuads(IPainter painter)
Render the cube into the feedback buffer, in order to parse feedback and determine which quad where displayed or not.protected float
AxisTickProcessor. getTickLength3D_OrComputeTickLength2D(IPainter painter, int dimension)
Compute tick length, returned as a ratio of the scene bounds.protected void
AxisBox. updateHiddenQuads(IPainter painter)
Uses of IPainter in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.axis.annotations
Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.axis.annotations with parameters of type IPainter Modifier and Type Method Description void
AxeAnnotation. draw(IPainter painter, AxisBox axe)
AxeCrossAnnotation. draw(IPainter painter, AxisBox axe)
AxeXLineAnnotation. draw(IPainter painter, AxisBox axe)
AxeYLineAnnotation. draw(IPainter painter, AxisBox axe)
AxeLineAnnotation. drawHorizontalLineGL2(IPainter painter, Range xrange, float value)
AxeXRectangleAnnotation. drawLine(IPainter painter, Range yrange, Range zrange)
AxeYLineAnnotation. drawLine(IPainter painter, Range yrange, Range zrange)
AxeLineAnnotation. drawVerticalLine(IPainter painter, Range yrange, float value)
Uses of IPainter in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.axis.layout
Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.axis.layout with parameters of type IPainter Modifier and Type Method Description int
AxisLayout. getMaxXTickLabelWidth(IPainter painter)
Return the maximum text length in pixel as displayed on screen, given the current ticks and rendererint
AxisLayout. getMaxYTickLabelWidth(IPainter painter)
Return the maximum text length in pixel as displayed on screen, given the current ticks and renderer -
Uses of IPainter in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.enlightables
Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.enlightables with parameters of type IPainter Modifier and Type Method Description protected void
AbstractEnlightable. applyMaterial(IPainter painter)
EnlightableDisk. draw(IPainter painter)
EnlightablePolygon. draw(IPainter painter)
EnlightableSphere. draw(IPainter painter)
Uses of IPainter in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.graphs
Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.graphs with parameters of type IPainter Modifier and Type Method Description void
AbstractDrawableGraph2d. draw(IPainter painter)
protected abstract void
AbstractDrawableGraph2d. drawEdges(IPainter painter)
protected abstract void
AbstractDrawableGraph2d. drawVertexLabels(IPainter painter)
protected abstract void
AbstractDrawableGraph2d. drawVertices(IPainter painter)
Uses of IPainter in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.graphs.impl
Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.graphs.impl with parameters of type IPainter Modifier and Type Method Description protected void
DefaultDrawableGraph2d. drawEdge(IPainter painter, E e, Coord2d c1, Coord2d c2, Color color)
protected void
DefaultDrawableGraph2d. drawEdges(IPainter painter)
protected void
DefaultDrawableGraph2d. drawVertexLabel(IPainter painter, V v, Coord2d coord, Color color)
protected void
DefaultDrawableGraph2d. drawVertexLabels(IPainter painter)
protected void
DefaultDrawableGraph2d. drawVertexNode(IPainter painter, V v, Coord2d coord, Color color)
protected void
PointGraph2d. drawVertexNode(IPainter painter, V v, Coord2d coord, Color color)
protected void
TextureGraph2d. drawVertexNode(IPainter painter, V v, Coord2d coord, Color color)
protected void
DefaultDrawableGraph2d. drawVertices(IPainter painter)
protected void
PointGraph2d. drawVertices(IPainter painter)
protected void
TextureGraph2d. drawVertices(IPainter painter)
Uses of IPainter in
Methods in with parameters of type IPainter Modifier and Type Method Description static List<PolygonProjection>
ProjectionUtils. project(IPainter painter, ArrayList<Drawable> monotypes)
static List<PolygonProjection>
ProjectionUtils. project(IPainter painter, List<Drawable> list)
static List<PolygonProjection>
ProjectionUtils. project(IPainter painter, Composite c)
static List<PolygonProjection>
ProjectionUtils. project(IPainter painter, Graph g)
Uses of IPainter in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.selectable
Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.selectable with parameters of type IPainter Modifier and Type Method Description void
SelectableScatter. draw(IPainter painter)
SelectableSphere. draw(IPainter painter)
Selectable. project(IPainter painter, Camera cam)
SelectableScatter. project(IPainter painter, Camera cam)
SelectableSphere. project(IPainter painter, Camera cam)
Uses of IPainter in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.symbols
Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.symbols with parameters of type IPainter Modifier and Type Method Description void
SymbolHandler. drawSymbols(IPainter painter)
Uses of IPainter in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.textured
Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.textured with parameters of type IPainter Modifier and Type Method Description protected void
NativeDrawableImage. after(IPainter painter)
protected void
NativeDrawableImage. before(IPainter painter)
NativeDrawableImage. draw(IPainter painter)
TranslucentQuad. draw(IPainter painter)
TexturedCube. project(IPainter painter, Camera cam)
TexturedCylinder. project(IPainter painter, Camera cam)
Uses of IPainter in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.vbo
Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.vbo with parameters of type IPainter Modifier and Type Method Description protected void
ShaderMeshDrawableVBO. configure(IPainter painter, com.jogamp.opengl.GL gl)
ShaderMeshDrawableVBO. draw(IPainter painter)
ShaderWaterfallDrawableVBO. draw(IPainter painter)
ShaderMeshVBOBuilder. load(IPainter painter, DrawableVBO drawable)
ShaderWaterfallVBOBuilder. load(IPainter painter, DrawableVBO drawable)
ShaderMeshDrawableVBO. mount(IPainter painter)
ShaderWaterfallDrawableVBO. mount(IPainter painter)
Uses of IPainter in
Methods in with parameters of type IPainter Modifier and Type Method Description void
VBOBuilderListCoord3d. load(IPainter painter, DrawableVBO drawable)
Uses of IPainter in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.vbo.drawable
Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.vbo.drawable with parameters of type IPainter Modifier and Type Method Description protected void
DrawableVBO. configure(IPainter painter, com.jogamp.opengl.GL gl)
protected void
DrawableVBO2. doDrawElements(IPainter painter)
Perform rendering of this VBO.void
DrawableVBO. draw(IPainter painter)
DrawableVBO2. draw(IPainter painter)
SphereVBO. draw(IPainter painter)
protected com.jogamp.opengl.GL
DrawableVBO2. getGL(IPainter painter)
SphereVBO.VBOSphereMeshBuilder. load(IPainter painter, DrawableVBO drawable)
DrawableVBO. mount(IPainter painter)
DrawableVBO2. mount(IPainter painter)
Invoke the loader.void
SphereVBO. mount(IPainter painter)
DrawableVBO2. setData(IPainter painter, FloatBuffer vertices, FloatBuffer normals, FloatBuffer colors, BoundingBox3d bounds)
DrawableVBO2. setData(IPainter painter, IntBuffer elementsCount, com.jogamp.common.nio.PointerBuffer elementsIndices, FloatBuffer vertices, FloatBuffer normals, FloatBuffer colors, BoundingBox3d bounds)
DrawableVBO2. setData(IPainter painter, IntBuffer elements, FloatBuffer vertices, FloatBuffer normals, FloatBuffer colors, BoundingBox3d bounds)
Configure a VBO with vertices, colors, and indices describing vertex references for building triangles.void
DrawableVBO2. setData(IPainter painter, IntBuffer elementsStarts, IntBuffer elementsLength, FloatBuffer vertices, FloatBuffer normals, FloatBuffer colors, BoundingBox3d bounds)
Uses of IPainter in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.vbo.drawable.loaders
Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.vbo.drawable.loaders with parameters of type IPainter Modifier and Type Method Description void
VBOBufferLoaderForArrays. load(IPainter painter, DrawableVBO2 drawable)
VBOBufferLoaderForPolygons. load(IPainter painter, DrawableVBO2 drawable)
VBOBufferLoaderForPolygonsPrimitiveRestart. load(IPainter painter, DrawableVBO2 drawable)
Uses of IPainter in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.volume
Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.volume with parameters of type IPainter Modifier and Type Method Description void
CubeVBO. draw(IPainter painter)
Texture3D. draw(IPainter painter)
Volume. draw(IPainter painter)
CubeVBOBuilder. load(IPainter painter, DrawableVBO drawable)
CubeVBO. mount(IPainter painter)
Texture3D. mount(IPainter painter)
Volume. mount(IPainter painter)
Uses of IPainter in org.jzy3d.plot3d.rendering.ddp.algorithms
Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.rendering.ddp.algorithms with parameters of type IPainter Modifier and Type Method Description void
DualDepthPeelingAlgorithm. display(IPainter painter)
FrontToBackPeelingAlgorithm. display(IPainter painter)
IDepthPeelingAlgorithm. display(IPainter painter)
WeightedAveragePeelingAlgorithm. display(IPainter painter)
WeightedSumPeelingAlgorithm. display(IPainter painter)
AbstractDepthPeelingAlgorithm. dispose(IPainter painter)
IDepthPeelingAlgorithm. dispose(IPainter painter)
protected void
DualDepthPeelingAlgorithm. doRender(IPainter painter, com.jogamp.opengl.GL2 gl)
protected void
FrontToBackPeelingAlgorithm. doRender(IPainter painter, com.jogamp.opengl.GL2 gl)
protected void
WeightedAveragePeelingAlgorithm. doRender(IPainter painter, com.jogamp.opengl.GL2 gl)
protected void
WeightedSumPeelingAlgorithm. doRender(IPainter painter, com.jogamp.opengl.GL2 gl)
protected com.jogamp.opengl.GL2
AbstractDepthPeelingAlgorithm. getGL(IPainter painter)
protected com.jogamp.opengl.glu.GLU
AbstractDepthPeelingAlgorithm. getGLU(IPainter painter)
AbstractAccumulationDepthPeeling. init(IPainter painter, int width, int height)
DualDepthPeelingAlgorithm. init(IPainter painter, int width, int height)
FrontToBackPeelingAlgorithm. init(IPainter painter, int width, int height)
IDepthPeelingAlgorithm. init(IPainter painter, int width, int height)
AbstractAccumulationDepthPeeling. reshape(IPainter painter, int width, int height)
DualDepthPeelingAlgorithm. reshape(IPainter painter, int width, int height)
FrontToBackPeelingAlgorithm. reshape(IPainter painter, int width, int height)
IDepthPeelingAlgorithm. reshape(IPainter painter, int width, int height)
protected void
AbstractDepthPeelingAlgorithm. tasksToRender(IPainter painter)
Uses of IPainter in org.jzy3d.plot3d.rendering.legends.colorbars
Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.rendering.legends.colorbars with parameters of type IPainter Modifier and Type Method Description void
AWTColorbarLegend. render(IPainter painter)
IColorbarLegend. render(IPainter painter)
Uses of IPainter in org.jzy3d.plot3d.rendering.legends.series
Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.rendering.legends.series with parameters of type IPainter Modifier and Type Method Description void
AWTSerieLegend. render(IPainter painter)
AWTSeriesLegend. render(IPainter painter)
ViewAndLegendLayout. render(IPainter painter, Chart chart)
protected void
ViewAndLegendLayout. renderLegends(IPainter painter, float left, float right, List<ILegend> data, ICanvas canvas)
Uses of IPainter in org.jzy3d.plot3d.rendering.lights
Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.rendering.lights with parameters of type IPainter Modifier and Type Method Description void
Light. apply(IPainter painter, Coord3d scale)
LightSet. apply(IPainter painter, Coord3d scale)
protected void
Light. configureLight(IPainter painter, int lightId)
LightSet. disable(IPainter painter)
LightSet. enable(IPainter painter, boolean onlyIfAtLeastOneLight)
LightSet. enableLightIfThereAreLights(IPainter painter)
LightSet. init(IPainter painter)
protected void
LightSet. initLight(IPainter painter)
Uses of IPainter in org.jzy3d.plot3d.rendering.scene
Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.rendering.scene with parameters of type IPainter Modifier and Type Method Description void
Graph. draw(IPainter painter)
Decompose allComposite
objects, and sort the extracted monotype (i.e.void
Graph. draw(IPainter painter, List<Drawable> components, boolean sort)
MultithreadedGraph. draw(IPainter painter)
Decompose allComposite
objects, and sort the extracted monotype (i.e.void
MultithreadedGraph. draw(IPainter painter, List<Drawable> components, boolean sort)
Graph. drawDecomposition(IPainter painter)
render all items of the graph after decomposing all composite item into primitive drawablesvoid
MultithreadedGraph. drawDecomposition(IPainter painter)
render all items of the graph after decomposing all composite item into primitive drawablesvoid
Graph. drawSimple(IPainter painter, List<Drawable> components)
render all items of the graphvoid
MultithreadedGraph. drawSimple(IPainter painter, List<Drawable> components)
render all items of the graphvoid
Graph. mountAllGLBindedResources(IPainter painter)
Graph. project(IPainter painter, Camera camera)
Update all interactiveDrawable
projections -
Uses of IPainter in org.jzy3d.plot3d.rendering.textures
Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.rendering.textures with parameters of type IPainter Modifier and Type Method Description com.jogamp.opengl.util.texture.Texture
BufferedImageTexture. getTexture(IPainter painter)
SharedTexture. getTexture(IPainter painter)
static void
TextureFactory. init(IPainter painter, com.jogamp.opengl.GL gl)
BufferedImageTexture. mount(IPainter painter)
A GL2 context MUST be current.void
SharedTexture. mount(IPainter painter)
A GL2 context MUST be current. -
Uses of IPainter in org.jzy3d.plot3d.rendering.view
Fields in org.jzy3d.plot3d.rendering.view declared as IPainter Modifier and Type Field Description protected IPainter
View. painter
Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.rendering.view that return IPainter Modifier and Type Method Description IPainter
View. getPainter()
Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.rendering.view with parameters of type IPainter Modifier and Type Method Description void
Camera.Ortho. apply(IPainter painter)
Applies orthogonal projection only if parameters are valid (i.e. not zero)ViewportConfiguration
AbstractViewportManager. applyViewport(IPainter painter)
Build and return aViewportConfiguration
.protected void
View. correctCameraPositionForIncludingTextLabels(IPainter painter, ViewportConfiguration viewport)
Camera. doLookAt(IPainter painter)
Camera. doShoot(IPainter painter, CameraMode projection)
Apply camera position and orientation and performs projection of the visible volume either in perspective or orthogonal mode.ArrayList<ArrayList<Coord3d>>
Camera. modelToScreen(IPainter painter, ArrayList<ArrayList<Coord3d>> polygons)
Camera. modelToScreen(IPainter painter, List<Coord3d> points)
Camera. modelToScreen(IPainter painter, Coord3d point)
Transform a 3d point coordinate into its screen position.Coord3d[]
Camera. modelToScreen(IPainter painter, Coord3d[] points)
Camera. modelToScreen(IPainter painter, Coord3d[][] points)
Camera. modelToScreen(IPainter painter, PolygonArray polygon)
Camera. modelToScreen(IPainter painter, PolygonArray[][] polygons)
Camera. projectionOrtho(IPainter painter, ViewportConfiguration viewport)
Perform a orthogonal projection.void
Camera. projectionPerspective(IPainter painter, ViewportConfiguration viewport)
Perform a perspective projection by processing the field of view based on theCamera.renderingSphereRadius
AWTImageViewport. render(IPainter painter)
AWTNativeViewOverlay. render(View view, ViewportConfiguration viewport, IPainter painter)
EmulGLViewOverlay. render(View view, ViewportConfiguration viewport, IPainter painter)
IImageViewport. render(IPainter painter)
Renders the picture into the window, according to the viewport settings.void
IViewOverlay. render(View view, ViewportConfiguration viewport, IPainter painter)
protected void
AWTImageViewport. renderImage(IPainter painter, ByteBuffer imageBuffer, int imageWidth, int imageHeight, int screenWidth, int screenHeight, float z)
protected void
AbstractViewportManager. renderSubScreenGrid(IPainter painter)
Renders a grid on the defined sub screen.Coord3d
Camera. screenToModel(IPainter painter, Coord3d screen)
Transform a 2d screen coordinate into a 3d coordinate.void
Camera. shoot(IPainter painter, CameraMode projection)
Sets the projection and the mapping of the 3d model to 2d screen.void
Camera. shoot(IPainter painter, CameraMode projection, boolean doPushMatrixBeforeShooting)
Camera. show(IPainter painter, Transform transform, Coord3d scaling)
Uses of IPainter in org.jzy3d.plot3d.rendering.view.annotation
Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.rendering.view.annotation with parameters of type IPainter Modifier and Type Method Description void
CameraDistanceAnnotation. doDrawCamera(IPainter painter, Camera cam)
BarycenterAnnotation. draw(IPainter painter)
CameraDistanceAnnotation. draw(IPainter painter)
CameraPathAnnotation. draw(IPainter painter)
Uses of IPainter in org.jzy3d.plot3d.rendering.view.layout
Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.rendering.view.layout with parameters of type IPainter Modifier and Type Method Description void
EmulGLViewAndColorbarsLayout. render(IPainter painter, Chart chart)
IViewportLayout. render(IPainter painter, Chart chart)
ViewAndColorbarsLayout. render(IPainter painter, Chart chart)
Once rendered, this layout knows the colorbar width which can be retrieved withViewAndColorbarsLayout.getLegendsWidth()
protected void
EmulGLViewAndColorbarsLayout. renderLegends(IPainter painter, float left, float right, List<ILegend> legends, ICanvas canvas)
This override allows Shifting artificially the complete jGL viewport to let some place for a colorbar rendering.protected void
NativeViewAndColorbarsLayout. renderLegends(IPainter painter, float from, float to, List<ILegend> legends, ICanvas canvas)
protected void
ViewAndColorbarsLayout. renderLegends(IPainter painter, float left, float right, List<ILegend> legends, ICanvas canvas)
Renders the legend within the screen slice given by the left and right parameters.protected void
ViewAndColorbarsLayout. renderLegends(IPainter painter, Chart chart)
protected float
EmulGLViewAndColorbarsLayout. updateFromValueToShrinkColorbar(IPainter painter, int width, AWTColorbarLegend awtLegend)
protected float
NativeViewAndColorbarsLayout. updateFromValueToShrinkColorbar(IPainter painter, int width, AWTColorbarLegend awtLegend)
Uses of IPainter in org.jzy3d.plot3d.text
Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.text with parameters of type IPainter Modifier and Type Method Description BoundingBox3d
AbstractTextRenderer. drawText(IPainter painter, Font font, String s, Coord3d position, float rotation, Horizontal halign, Vertical valign, Color color)
AbstractTextRenderer. drawText(IPainter painter, Font font, String s, Coord3d position, float rotation, Horizontal halign, Vertical valign, Color color, Coord2d screenOffset)
AbstractTextRenderer. drawText(IPainter painter, Font font, String s, Coord3d position, float rotation, TextAlign align, Color color, Coord2d screenOffset)
AbstractTextRenderer. drawText(IPainter painter, Font font, String s, Coord3d position, Horizontal halign, Vertical valign, Color color)
AbstractTextRenderer. drawText(IPainter painter, Font font, String s, Coord3d position, Horizontal halign, Vertical valign, Color color, Coord2d screenOffset)
AbstractTextRenderer. drawText(IPainter painter, Font font, String s, Coord3d position, Horizontal halign, Vertical valign, Color color, Coord3d sceneOffset)
ITextRenderer. drawText(IPainter painter, Font font, String s, Coord3d position, float rotation, Horizontal halign, Vertical valign, Color color)
ITextRenderer. drawText(IPainter painter, Font font, String s, Coord3d position, float rotation, Horizontal halign, Vertical valign, Color color, Coord2d screenOffset)
ITextRenderer. drawText(IPainter painter, Font font, String s, Coord3d position, float rotation, Horizontal halign, Vertical valign, Color color, Coord2d screenOffset, Coord3d sceneOffset)
The main text renderer method to implement.BoundingBox3d
ITextRenderer. drawText(IPainter painter, Font font, String s, Coord3d position, float rotation, TextAlign align, Color color, Coord2d screenOffset)
ITextRenderer. drawText(IPainter painter, Font font, String s, Coord3d position, Horizontal halign, Vertical valign, Color color)
ITextRenderer. drawText(IPainter painter, Font font, String s, Coord3d position, Horizontal halign, Vertical valign, Color color, Coord2d screenOffset)
ITextRenderer. drawText(IPainter painter, Font font, String s, Coord3d position, Horizontal halign, Vertical valign, Color color, Coord3d sceneOffset)
Uses of IPainter in org.jzy3d.plot3d.text.drawable
Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.text.drawable with parameters of type IPainter Modifier and Type Method Description void
DrawableTextWrapper. draw(IPainter painter)
Uses of IPainter in org.jzy3d.plot3d.text.renderers
Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.text.renderers with parameters of type IPainter Modifier and Type Method Description protected BoundingBox3d
TextBillboardRenderer. computeTextBounds(IPainter painter, Coord3d position, org.jzy3d.plot3d.text.renderers.TextBillboardRenderer.BillBoardSize dims)
Deprecated.protected BoundingBox3d
TextBitmapRenderer. computeTextBounds(IPainter painter, Font font, Coord3d posScreenShifted, float strlen)
Deprecated.protected BoundingBox3d
TextRenderer. computeTextBounds(IPainter painter, Font font, Coord3d posScreenShifted, float strlen)
TextBillboardRenderer. drawText(IPainter painter, Font font, String s, Coord3d position, float rotation, Horizontal halign, Vertical valign, Color color, Coord2d screenOffset, Coord3d sceneOffset)
Deprecated.Draw a string at the specified position and compute the 3d volume occupied by the string according to the current Camera configuration.BoundingBox3d
TextBitmapRenderer. drawText(IPainter painter, Font font, String text, Coord3d position, float rotation, Horizontal halign, Vertical valign, Color color, Coord2d screenOffset, Coord3d sceneOffset)
Deprecated.Draw a string at the specified position and return the 3d volume occupied by the string according to the current Camera configuration.BoundingBox3d
TextRenderer. drawText(IPainter painter, Font font, String text, Coord3d position, float rotation, Horizontal halign, Vertical valign, Color color, Coord2d screenOffset, Coord3d sceneOffset)
Draw a string at the specified position and return the 3d volume occupied by the string according to the current Camera configuration.protected void
TextBillboardRenderer. glRaster(IPainter painter, Coord3d position, Color color)
Deprecated.protected void
TextRenderer. glRasterPos(IPainter painter, Coord3d sceneOffset, Coord3d screenPositionAligned3d)
Left as a helper for subclasses.protected org.jzy3d.plot3d.text.renderers.TextBillboardRenderer.BillBoardSize
TextBillboardRenderer. printString(IPainter painter, String s, Horizontal halign, Vertical valign)
Deprecated.Performs actual display of the string.protected Coord3d
TextBitmapRenderer. to3D(IPainter painter, Coord3d screen)
Deprecated.Convert a 2D screen position to 3D world coordinateprotected Coord3d
TextRenderer. to3D(IPainter painter, Coord3d screen)
Convert a 2D screen position to 3D world coordinate -
Uses of IPainter in org.jzy3d.plot3d.text.renderers.jogl
Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.text.renderers.jogl with parameters of type IPainter Modifier and Type Method Description BoundingBox3d
JOGLTextRenderer2d. drawText(IPainter painter, Font font, String s, Coord3d position, float rotation, Horizontal horizontal, Vertical vertical, Color color, Coord2d screenOffset, Coord3d sceneOffset)
JOGLTextRenderer3d. drawText(IPainter painter, Font font, String s, Coord3d position, float rotation, Horizontal halign, Vertical valign, Color color, Coord2d screenOffset, Coord3d sceneOffset)
protected void
JOGLTextRenderer2d. drawText2D(IPainter painter, Font font, String text, Coord3d position, Color color, float rotation, Horizontal horizontal, Vertical vertical)
Draws a 2D text (facing camera) at the specified 3D position.protected void
JOGLTextRenderer3d. drawText3D(IPainter painter, String text, Coord3d position, Horizontal halign, Vertical valign, Color color)
protected void
JOGLTextRenderer3d. drawText3DWithLayout(IPainter painter, String s, Coord3d position, Coord3d sceneOffset)
Uses of IPainter in org.jzy3d.plot3d.transform
Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.transform with parameters of type IPainter Modifier and Type Method Description void
Rotate. execute(IPainter painter)
produces a rotation of angle degrees around the vector (𝑥,𝑦,𝑧)void
Scale. execute(IPainter painter)
Transform. execute(IPainter painter)
Load the identity matrix and executes the stored sequence of Transformer.void
Transform. execute(IPainter painter, boolean loadIdentity)
Transformer. execute(IPainter painter)
Execute the transformation to the current GL context.void
Translate. execute(IPainter painter)
TranslateDrawable. execute(IPainter painter)
TranslateDrawable. translateTo(IPainter painter, Coord3d center, boolean reverse)