AbstractAWTRenderer2d |
AbstractViewportManager |
AWTImageRenderer |
An AWT post renderer able to render an image on top of a chart according to a legend
AWTImageRenderer3d |
AWTImageViewport |
AWTNativeViewOverlay |
AWTRenderer3d |
AWTShapeRenderer |
An AWT post renderer able to render an image on top of a chart according to a legend
AWTView |
Camera |
The Camera allows projecting a 3d scene to a 2d screen based on an orthogonal or
perspective projection.
Camera.Ortho |
The configuration used to call glOrtho
CroppingView |
EmulGLViewOverlay |
NativeRenderer |
The NativeRenderer object is a GLEventListener , that makes openGL calls necessary
to initialize and render a Scene for an ICanvas .
OverlayUtils |
Helps understanding how overlay is actually performed by JOGL2.
Renderer3d |
The Renderer3d is a GLEventListener that handles init, display, reshape and
screenshots of a Scene in a ICanvas .
SelectableView |
An {@ InteractiveView} handles 2d projection updates to ensure mouse is always computing
intersection with objects in a relevant state.
View |
View2DLayout |
Allows configuring the layout of a view when the chart enters a 2D rendering mode.
View2DProcessing |
Process and store the layout of a 2D view having margins and axis labels defined by the
View2DLayout settings.
ViewEventAdapter |
ViewportBuilder |
ViewportConfiguration |