All Classes and Interfaces

A base abstract class for Panama based OpenGL binding, implementing part of GL.
A naive animator to ease testing.
Ensure the task is executed by the AWT Event Thread.
Render text to image which can then be drawn at a given 3D position.
Convert AWT Images to MemorySegmentPREVIEW or int[] pixel buffers suitable for direct OpenGL rendering via GL_1_0.glDrawPixels(int, int, int, int, MemorySegment)PREVIEW.
A ByteBuffer helping to convert colors to byte, int, float representation.
Render text to image which can then be drawn at a given 3D position.
The CGL API is a low-level, platform-independent API for creating, managing, and rendering 2D and 3D graphics in macOS and other operating systems.
Allow verifying if all generated MethodHandle of the JExtract'ed libraries can be linked properly to native libraries.
A lightweight logging module without complex configuration, inspired from JOGL.
VM ARGS : --enable-native-access=ALL-UNNAMED --enable-preview -Djava.library.path=.
VM ARGS : --enable-native-access=ALL-UNNAMED --enable-preview -Djava.library.path=.
VM ARGS : --enable-native-access=ALL-UNNAMED --enable-preview -Djava.library.path=.
VM ARGS : --enable-native-access=ALL-UNNAMED --add-modules jdk.incubator.foreign -Djava.library.path=.
VM ARGS : --enable-native-access=ALL-UNNAMED --enable-preview -Djava.library.path=.
VM ARGS : --enable-native-access=ALL-UNNAMED --enable-preview -Djava.library.path=.
VM ARGS : --enable-native-access=ALL-UNNAMED --enable-preview -Djava.library.path=.
A frame buffer object, or FBO, can render OpenGL into an offscreen buffer that can later be read to an Image by a FBOReader which will access the FBO content through FBO.readPixels(GL)PREVIEW.
A frame buffer object, or FBO_linux, can render OpenGL into an offscreen buffer that can later be converted to an Image.
A frame buffer object, or FBO_macOS, can render OpenGL into an offscreen buffer that can later be converted to a BufferedImage.
A frame buffer object, or FBO_windows, can render OpenGL into an offscreen buffer that can later be converted to an Image.
An FBOReader reads a pixel buffer provided by an FBO and creates an Image matching the target windowing toolkit.
A canvas able to perform OpenGL calls through the GLEventListener interface.
This panel push to the screen an OpenGL image rendered offscreen by an OffscreenRenderer.
This panel push to the screen an OpenGL image rendered offscreen by an OffscreenRenderer.
A GLContext is responsible for establishing an OpenGL context with the OS libraries, allowing to then invoke OpenGL methods.
A toy helper to track GL errors.
The interface to implement to let a GLCanvas perform OpenGL calls.
This GLUT GLContext initialize a GLUT offscreen context allowing to then invoke GL methods.
This GLUT GLContext initialize a GLUT offscreen context allowing to then invoke GL methods.
This GLUT GLContext initialize a GLUT offscreen context allowing to then invoke GL methods.
Allows redirecting a taks execution on macOS main thread, which is required for OpenGL rendering tasks.
The interface through which various GLCanvas implementation can query an offscreen rendering.
This offscreen renderer is able to ensure that OpenGL queries are performed inside the main macOS thread.
A PanamaGLFactory generates components for a given platform (CPU, OS) and will ensure the appropriate bindings as well as OpenGL way of implementing a rendering technic are applied a target platform.
Paints some polygons at screen.
Paints some polygons at screen.
Demo an scatter chart with JOGL.
Demo an surface chart made with Panama (JEP-412).
Demo an surface chart made with JOGL.
Demo an surface chart made with Panama (JEP-412).
This is the original demonstration program provided at
This is the original demonstration program provided at
A ThreadRedirect allows to redirect a Runnable execution to a choosen thread.
TicToc allows measuring elapsed time between a call to TicToc.tic() and a call to TicToc.toc().
WIP Windows context