Uses of Class
Uses of Coord2d in org.jzy3d.awt
Methods in org.jzy3d.awt that return Coord2d Modifier and Type Method Description static Coord2d
AWTHelper. getPixelScale(Component component)
static Coord2d
AWTHelper. getPixelScale(Graphics2D g2d)
Uses of Coord2d in
Fields in declared as Coord2d Modifier and Type Field Description protected Coord2d
AbstractCameraController. prevMouse
Methods in with parameters of type Coord2d Modifier and Type Method Description protected void
AbstractCameraController. rotate(Coord2d move)
protected void
AbstractCameraController. rotate(Coord2d move, boolean updateView)
Uses of Coord2d in
Methods in that return Coord2d Modifier and Type Method Description protected Coord2d
AWTCameraMouseController. xy(MouseEvent e)
Uses of Coord2d in org.jzy3d.chart.controllers.mouse.picking
Fields in org.jzy3d.chart.controllers.mouse.picking declared as Coord2d Modifier and Type Field Description protected Coord2d
AWTMousePickingController. prevMouse
protected Coord2d
NewtMousePickingController. prevMouse
Uses of Coord2d in org.jzy3d.chart.controllers.mouse.selection
Fields in org.jzy3d.chart.controllers.mouse.selection with type parameters of type Coord2d Modifier and Type Field Description protected Deque<Coord2d>
AWTSphereMouseSelector. hull
Methods in org.jzy3d.chart.controllers.mouse.selection that return Coord2d Modifier and Type Method Description protected Coord2d
AWTScatterMouseSelector. getPixelScale()
Uses of Coord2d in
Fields in declared as Coord2d Modifier and Type Field Description protected Coord2d
CameraThreadController. move
Uses of Coord2d in org.jzy3d.chart.factories
Methods in org.jzy3d.chart.factories that return Coord2d Modifier and Type Method Description Coord2d
CanvasNewtSWT. getPixelScale()
Pixel scale is used to model the pixel ratio thay may be introduced by HiDPI or Retina displays.Coord2d
CanvasNewtSWT. getPixelScaleJVM()
Uses of Coord2d in org.jzy3d.chart2d
Methods in org.jzy3d.chart2d with parameters of type Coord2d Modifier and Type Method Description BoundingBox3d
AxisBox2d.RotatedTextBitmapRenderer. drawText(IPainter painter, Font font, String text, Coord3d position, float rotation, Horizontal halign, Vertical valign, Color color, Coord2d screenOffset, Coord3d sceneOffset)
Uses of Coord2d in org.jzy3d.maths
Fields in org.jzy3d.maths declared as Coord2d Modifier and Type Field Description Coord2d
Triangle2d. a
Triangle2d. b
Triangle2d. c
static Coord2d
Coord2d. INVALID
An invalid Coord2d has value NaN for each dimension.static Coord2d
Coord2d. ORIGIN
The origin is a Coord2d having value 0 for each dimension.Methods in org.jzy3d.maths that return Coord2d Modifier and Type Method Description Coord2d
Coord2d. add(float value)
Add a value to all components of the current Coord and return the result in a new Coord2d.Coord2d
Coord2d. add(float x, float y)
Coord2d. add(Coord2d c2)
Add a Coord2d to the current one and return the result in a new Coord2d.static Coord2d
Coord2d. addWeighted(Coord2d a, Coord2d b, float weigthA, float weightB)
protected static Coord2d
ConvexHull. asPoint2f(Coord3d c)
Coord2d. cartesian()
Converts the current Coord3d into cartesian coordinates and return the result in a new Coord3d.Coord2d
Coord2d. clone()
Return a duplicate of this 3d coordinate.Coord2d
Coord2d. div(float value)
Divise all components of the current Coord by the same value and return the result in a new Coord3d.Coord2d
Coord2d. div(float x, float y)
Coord2d. div(Coord2d c2)
Divise a Coord2d to the current one and return the result in a new Coord2d.Coord2d
Coord2d. fullPolar()
Return a real polar value, with an angle in the range [0;2*PI]
BoundingBox2d. getCenter()
Compute and return the center point of the BoundingBox3dCoord2d
Triangle2d. getCenter()
Triangle2d. getCenterAB()
Triangle2d. getCenterAC()
Triangle2d. getCenterBC()
Triangle2d. getMedianAB()
Triangle2d. getMedianAC()
Triangle2d. getMedianBC()
Triangle2d. getMedianCA()
Coord3d. getXY()
Return the x and y component as a 2d coordinate.static Coord2d
Coord2d. interpolate(Coord2d a, Coord2d b, float weigthA)
Coord2d. interpolation(Coord2d c, float ratio)
Returns an interpolated point between the current and given point, according to an input ratio in [0;1] that indicates how near to the current point the new point will stand.Coord2d
Coord2d. mean(Coord2d b)
Coord2d. mul(float value)
Multiply all components of the current Coord and return the result in a new Coord3d.Coord2d
Coord2d. mul(float x, float y)
Coord2d. mul(Coord2d c2)
Multiply a Coord2d to the current one and return the result in a new Coord2d.Coord2d
Coord2d. mulSelf(float x, float y)
Coord2d. mulSelf(Coord2d c)
Coord2d. polar()
Coord2d. sub(float value)
Substract a value to all components of the current Coord and return the result in a new Coord2d.Coord2d
Coord2d. sub(float x, float y)
Coord2d. sub(Coord2d c2)
Substract a Coord2d to the current one and return the result in a new Coord2d.Coord2d
Vector2d. vector()
Return the vector induced by this set of coordinates.Methods in org.jzy3d.maths that return types with arguments of type Coord2d Modifier and Type Method Description static Deque<Coord2d>
ConvexHull. build2d(List<Coord3d> input2d)
static Deque<Coord2d>
ConvexHull. build2d(PolygonArray input2d)
Methods in org.jzy3d.maths with parameters of type Coord2d Modifier and Type Method Description void
BoundingBox2d. add(Coord2d p)
Add a Point3d to the BoundingBox3d.Coord2d
Coord2d. add(Coord2d c2)
Add a Coord2d to the current one and return the result in a new Coord2d.void
Coord2d. addSelf(Coord2d c2)
static Coord2d
Coord2d. addWeighted(Coord2d a, Coord2d b, float weigthA, float weightB)
BoundingBox2d. contains(Coord2d c)
Return true if coordinates is contained by this box.double
Coord2d. distance(Coord2d c)
Compute the distance between two coordinates.double
Coord2d. distanceSq(Coord2d c)
Coord2d. div(Coord2d c2)
Divise a Coord2d to the current one and return the result in a new Coord2d.IntegerCoord2d
IntegerCoord2d. div(Coord2d div)
static Coord2d
Coord2d. interpolate(Coord2d a, Coord2d b, float weigthA)
Coord2d. interpolation(Coord2d c, float ratio)
Returns an interpolated point between the current and given point, according to an input ratio in [0;1] that indicates how near to the current point the new point will stand.Coord2d
Coord2d. mean(Coord2d b)
Coord2d. mul(Coord2d c2)
Multiply a Coord2d to the current one and return the result in a new Coord2d.IntegerCoord2d
IntegerCoord2d. mul(Coord2d mul)
Coord2d. mulSelf(Coord2d c)
BoundingBox2d. scale(Coord2d scale)
Return a copy of the current bounding box after scaling.void
Coord2d. set(Coord2d c)
BoundingBox2d. shift(Coord2d offset)
Coord2d. sub(Coord2d c2)
Substract a Coord2d to the current one and return the result in a new Coord2d.Constructors in org.jzy3d.maths with parameters of type Coord2d Constructor Description Angle2d(Coord2d p1, Coord2d p2, Coord2d p3)
Create an angle, described by three coordinates.Coord3d(Coord2d c)
Coord3d(Coord2d c, double zi)
Coord3d(Coord2d c, float zi)
Triangle2d(Coord2d a, Coord2d b, Coord2d c)
Vector2d(Coord2d p1, Coord2d p2)
Create a vector, described by two coordinates.Constructor parameters in org.jzy3d.maths with type arguments of type Coord2d Constructor Description BoundingBox2d(List<Coord2d> list)
Polygon2d(Collection<? extends Coord2d> c)
Uses of Coord2d in org.jzy3d.maths.algorithms.convexhull
Methods in org.jzy3d.maths.algorithms.convexhull that return types with arguments of type Coord2d Modifier and Type Method Description Deque<Coord2d>
ConvexHullFunction. getConvexHull(Coord2d[] pts)
GrahamScan. getConvexHull(Coord2d[] pts)
implements interfaceDeque<Coord2d>
JarvisMarch. getConvexHull(Coord2d[] Q)
Palauttaa pinossa peitteen pisteet niin, että ensimmäinen ja viimeinen alkio ovat samat. .Methods in org.jzy3d.maths.algorithms.convexhull with parameters of type Coord2d Modifier and Type Method Description Deque<Coord2d>
ConvexHullFunction. getConvexHull(Coord2d[] pts)
GrahamScan. getConvexHull(Coord2d[] pts)
implements interfaceDeque<Coord2d>
JarvisMarch. getConvexHull(Coord2d[] Q)
Palauttaa pinossa peitteen pisteet niin, että ensimmäinen ja viimeinen alkio ovat samat. . -
Uses of Coord2d in org.jzy3d.maths.algorithms.convexhull.algorithms
Methods in org.jzy3d.maths.algorithms.convexhull.algorithms that return Coord2d Modifier and Type Method Description Coord2d
Converter. from(Coord2d p)
World coordinate to Screen coordinate.Coord2d
Converter. to(Coord2d p)
Screen coordinate to World coordinate.Methods in org.jzy3d.maths.algorithms.convexhull.algorithms with parameters of type Coord2d Modifier and Type Method Description int
RadialComparator. compare(Coord2d p1, Coord2d p2)
XYComparator. compare(Coord2d a, Coord2d b)
static int
ComputationalGeometry. computeOrientation(Coord2d p1, Coord2d p2, Coord2d q)
Converter. from(Coord2d p)
World coordinate to Screen coordinate.void
RadialComparator. setOrigin(Coord2d newO)
Converter. to(Coord2d p)
Screen coordinate to World coordinate.Constructors in org.jzy3d.maths.algorithms.convexhull.algorithms with parameters of type Coord2d Constructor Description RadialComparator(Coord2d origin)
Uses of Coord2d in org.jzy3d.painters
Methods in org.jzy3d.painters with parameters of type Coord2d Modifier and Type Method Description void
EmulGLPainter. drawImage(ByteBuffer imageBuffer, int imageWidth, int imageHeight, Coord2d pixelZoom, Coord3d imagePosition)
A very failing implementation.void
IPainter. drawImage(ByteBuffer imageBuffer, int imageWidth, int imageHeight, Coord2d pixelZoom, Coord3d imagePosition)
A high level and easy way of drawing images (non OpenGL).void
NativeDesktopPainter. drawImage(ByteBuffer imageBuffer, int imageWidth, int imageHeight, Coord2d pixelZoom, Coord3d imagePosition)
NativeEmbeddedPainter. drawImage(ByteBuffer imageBuffer, int imageWidth, int imageHeight, Coord2d pixelZoom, Coord3d imagePosition)
AbstractPainter. isJVMScaleLargerThanNativeScale(Coord2d scaleHardware, Coord2d scaleJVM)
IPainter. isJVMScaleLargerThanNativeScale(Coord2d scaleHardware, Coord2d scaleJVM)
Uses of Coord2d in org.jzy3d.plot2d.primitive
Fields in org.jzy3d.plot2d.primitive declared as Coord2d Modifier and Type Field Description protected Coord2d
AWTColorbarImageGenerator. pixelScale
Methods in org.jzy3d.plot2d.primitive that return Coord2d Modifier and Type Method Description Coord2d
AWTColorbarImageGenerator. getPixelScale()
Methods in org.jzy3d.plot2d.primitive with parameters of type Coord2d Modifier and Type Method Description void
AWTColorbarImageGenerator. setPixelScale(Coord2d pixelScale)
Uses of Coord2d in org.jzy3d.plot2d.primitives
Methods in org.jzy3d.plot2d.primitives with parameters of type Coord2d Modifier and Type Method Description void
LineSerie2d. add(Coord2d c)
LineSerie2d. add(Coord2d c, Color color)
ScatterPointSerie2d. add(Coord2d c)
ScatterPointSerie2d. add(Coord2d c, Color color)
ScatterSerie2d. add(Coord2d c)
ScatterSerie2d. add(Coord2d c, Color color)
Serie2d. add(Coord2d c)
Serie2d. add(Coord2d c, Color color)
Method parameters in org.jzy3d.plot2d.primitives with type arguments of type Coord2d Modifier and Type Method Description void
LineSerie2d. add(List<Coord2d> c)
ScatterPointSerie2d. add(List<Coord2d> c)
ScatterSerie2d. add(List<Coord2d> c)
Serie2d. add(List<Coord2d> c)
Uses of Coord2d in org.jzy3d.plot2d.rendering
Methods in org.jzy3d.plot2d.rendering that return Coord2d Modifier and Type Method Description static Coord2d
AWTGraphicsUtils. getPixelScale(Graphics2D g2d)
Uses of Coord2d in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.axis
Fields in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.axis declared as Coord2d Modifier and Type Field Description Coord2d
AxisLabelRotator.TextLayout. offset
Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.axis that return Coord2d Modifier and Type Method Description protected Coord2d
AxisLabelProcessor. axisLabelOffset(IPainter painter, AxisRenderingInfo info, Coord3d labelPosition, int margin)
Offset for oblique labelsprotected Coord2d
AxisLabelProcessor. axisLabelOffsetVertical(IPainter painter, AxisRenderingInfo info, Coord3d labelPosition, int margin)
Compute the offset to apply to a vertical Z label to avoid covering the tick labels.Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.axis that return types with arguments of type Coord2d Modifier and Type Method Description protected List<Coord2d>
ContourAxisBox. getDefaultTextureMapping()
Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.axis with parameters of type Coord2d Modifier and Type Method Description protected void
AxisLabelProcessor. drawAxisLabel(IPainter painter, int direction, Color color, BoundingBox3d ticksTxtBounds, Coord3d position, String label, float rotation, Coord2d offset)
Constructors in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.axis with parameters of type Coord2d Constructor Description TextLayout(Coord2d offset, float rotation)
Uses of Coord2d in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.axis.annotations
Fields in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.axis.annotations declared as Coord2d Modifier and Type Field Description protected Coord2d
AxeCrossAnnotation. value
Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.axis.annotations that return Coord2d Modifier and Type Method Description Coord2d
AxeCrossAnnotation. getValue()
Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.axis.annotations with parameters of type Coord2d Modifier and Type Method Description void
AxeCrossAnnotation. setValue(Coord2d value)
Uses of Coord2d in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.graphs
Fields in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.graphs declared as Coord2d Modifier and Type Field Description protected Coord2d
AbstractDrawableGraph2d. labelScreenOffset
Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.graphs that return Coord2d Modifier and Type Method Description Coord2d
AbstractDrawableGraph2d. getLabelScreenOffset()
Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.graphs with parameters of type Coord2d Modifier and Type Method Description void
AbstractDrawableGraph2d. setLabelScreenOffset(Coord2d labelOffset)
Uses of Coord2d in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.graphs.impl
Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.graphs.impl with parameters of type Coord2d Modifier and Type Method Description protected void
DefaultDrawableGraph2d. drawEdge(IPainter painter, E e, Coord2d c1, Coord2d c2, Color color)
protected void
DefaultDrawableGraph2d. drawVertexLabel(IPainter painter, V v, Coord2d coord, Color color)
protected void
DefaultDrawableGraph2d. drawVertexNode(IPainter painter, V v, Coord2d coord, Color color)
protected void
PointGraph2d. drawVertexNode(IPainter painter, V v, Coord2d coord, Color color)
protected void
TextureGraph2d. drawVertexNode(IPainter painter, V v, Coord2d coord, Color color)
Uses of Coord2d in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.graphs.layout
Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.graphs.layout that return Coord2d Modifier and Type Method Description Coord2d
IGraphLayout2d. get(V v)
DefaultGraphLayout2d. getVertexPosition(V v)
IGraphLayout2d. getVertexPosition(V v)
Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.graphs.layout that return types with arguments of type Coord2d Modifier and Type Method Description Collection<Coord2d>
IGraphLayout2d. values()
Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.graphs.layout with parameters of type Coord2d Modifier and Type Method Description void
DefaultGraphLayout2d. setVertexPosition(V v, Coord2d position)
IGraphLayout2d. setVertexPosition(V v, Coord2d position)
Uses of Coord2d in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.pickable
Constructor parameters in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.pickable with type arguments of type Coord2d Constructor Description PickableTexture(SharedTexture resource, PlaneAxis orientation, float axisValue, List<Coord2d> coords)
PickableTexture(SharedTexture resource, PlaneAxis orientation, float axisValue, List<Coord2d> coords, Color filter)
Uses of Coord2d in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.textured
Fields in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.textured declared as Coord2d Modifier and Type Field Description protected Coord2d
NativeDrawableImage. planePosition
Fields in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.textured with type parameters of type Coord2d Modifier and Type Field Description protected List<Coord2d>
NativeDrawableImage. mapping
Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.textured that return Coord2d Modifier and Type Method Description Coord2d
NativeDrawableImage. getPlanePosition()
Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.textured that return types with arguments of type Coord2d Modifier and Type Method Description protected List<Coord2d>
NativeDrawableImage. getDefaultTextureMapping()
static List<Coord2d>
NativeDrawableImage. getManualTextureMapping(float width, float height)
static List<Coord2d>
NativeDrawableImage. getManualTextureMapping(float width, float height, float xoffset, float yoffset)
Must supply the expected size of texture in 3d coordinates.static List<Coord2d>
TexturedCube. makeXPlaneTextureMapping(Coord3d position, float width)
static List<Coord2d>
TexturedCube. makeYPlaneTextureMapping(Coord3d position, float width)
static List<Coord2d>
TexturedCube. makeZPlaneTextureMapping(Coord3d position, float width)
Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.textured with parameters of type Coord2d Modifier and Type Method Description void
NativeDrawableImage. setPlanePosition(Coord2d planePosition)
Constructor parameters in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.textured with type arguments of type Coord2d Constructor Description NativeDrawableImage(SharedTexture resource, PlaneAxis orientation, float axisValue, List<Coord2d> coords)
NativeDrawableImage(SharedTexture resource, PlaneAxis orientation, float axisValue, List<Coord2d> coords, Color filter)
Uses of Coord2d in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.volume.textured
Constructor parameters in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.volume.textured with type arguments of type Coord2d Constructor Description AWTNativeDrawableImage(Shape shape, PlaneAxis orientation, float axisValue, List<Coord2d> coords, Color filter)
AWTNativeDrawableImage(SharedTexture resource, PlaneAxis orientation, float axisValue, List<Coord2d> coords)
AWTNativeDrawableImage(SharedTexture resource, PlaneAxis orientation, float axisValue, List<Coord2d> coords, Color filter)
Uses of Coord2d in org.jzy3d.plot3d.rendering.canvas
Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.rendering.canvas that return Coord2d Modifier and Type Method Description Coord2d
CanvasAWT. getPixelScale()
Pixel scale is used to model the pixel ratio thay may be introduced by HiDPI or Retina displays.Coord2d
CanvasNewtAwt. getPixelScale()
Pixel scale is used to model the pixel ratio thay may be introduced by HiDPI or Retina displays.Coord2d
CanvasSwing. getPixelScale()
Pixel scale is used to model the pixel ratio thay may be introduced by HiDPI or Retina displays.Coord2d
EmulGLCanvas. getPixelScale()
ICanvas. getPixelScale()
Provide pixel scale as feasible by the Hardware, OS, and JVM, independently of what was asked byICanvas.setPixelScale(float[])
OffscreenCanvas. getPixelScale()
CanvasAWT. getPixelScaleJVM()
CanvasNewtAwt. getPixelScaleJVM()
CanvasSwing. getPixelScaleJVM()
EmulGLCanvas. getPixelScaleJVM()
ICanvas. getPixelScaleJVM()
Provide pixel scale as considered feasible by the JVM.Coord2d
OffscreenCanvas. getPixelScaleJVM()
Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.rendering.canvas with parameters of type Coord2d Modifier and Type Method Description void
CanvasAWT. setPixelScale(Coord2d scale)
Uses of Coord2d in org.jzy3d.plot3d.rendering.legends.colorbars
Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.rendering.legends.colorbars with parameters of type Coord2d Modifier and Type Method Description protected BufferedImage
AWTColorbarLegend. toImage(int width, int height, Dimension margin, Coord2d pixelScale)
Generate an image for this dimension, margin and pixel scale.protected void
AWTColorbarLegend. updatePixelScale(Coord2d pixelScale)
Update the image with pixel scale if scale changed -
Uses of Coord2d in org.jzy3d.plot3d.rendering.view
Fields in org.jzy3d.plot3d.rendering.view declared as Coord2d Modifier and Type Field Description protected Coord2d
View2DProcessing. modelToScreen
protected Coord2d
AWTImageViewport. pixelScale
protected Coord2d
View. pixelScale
Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.rendering.view that return Coord2d Modifier and Type Method Description Coord2d
View2DProcessing. getModelToScreen()
Return the model-to-screen ratio that that was processed at the latest call to#apply()
View2DProcessing. getModelToScreenRatio(Area space, Area canvas, Area margins)
A helper for processing 2D margins.Coord2d
View2DProcessing. getModelToScreenRatio(BoundingBox3d bounds, ViewportConfiguration viewport, Area margin)
View. getPixelScale()
Return a copy of the currently known pixel scale as notified by the canvas.Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.rendering.view with parameters of type Coord2d Modifier and Type Method Description void
View. rotate(Coord2d move)
View. rotate(Coord2d move, boolean updateView)
protected void
AWTImageViewport. updatePixelScale(Coord2d pixelScale)
Update internal pixel scale knowledge. -
Uses of Coord2d in org.jzy3d.plot3d.rendering.view.controllers
Fields in org.jzy3d.plot3d.rendering.view.controllers declared as Coord2d Modifier and Type Field Description protected Coord2d
NewtViewCameraController. prevMouse
Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.rendering.view.controllers with parameters of type Coord2d Modifier and Type Method Description protected void
ViewCameraController. rotate(Coord2d move)
Uses of Coord2d in org.jzy3d.plot3d.text
Fields in org.jzy3d.plot3d.text declared as Coord2d Modifier and Type Field Description protected static Coord2d
AbstractTextRenderer. NO_SCREEN_OFFSET
Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.text with parameters of type Coord2d Modifier and Type Method Description BoundingBox3d
AbstractTextRenderer. drawText(IPainter painter, Font font, String s, Coord3d position, float rotation, Horizontal halign, Vertical valign, Color color, Coord2d screenOffset)
AbstractTextRenderer. drawText(IPainter painter, Font font, String s, Coord3d position, float rotation, TextAlign align, Color color, Coord2d screenOffset)
AbstractTextRenderer. drawText(IPainter painter, Font font, String s, Coord3d position, Horizontal halign, Vertical valign, Color color, Coord2d screenOffset)
ITextRenderer. drawText(IPainter painter, Font font, String s, Coord3d position, float rotation, Horizontal halign, Vertical valign, Color color, Coord2d screenOffset)
ITextRenderer. drawText(IPainter painter, Font font, String s, Coord3d position, float rotation, Horizontal halign, Vertical valign, Color color, Coord2d screenOffset, Coord3d sceneOffset)
The main text renderer method to implement.BoundingBox3d
ITextRenderer. drawText(IPainter painter, Font font, String s, Coord3d position, float rotation, TextAlign align, Color color, Coord2d screenOffset)
ITextRenderer. drawText(IPainter painter, Font font, String s, Coord3d position, Horizontal halign, Vertical valign, Color color, Coord2d screenOffset)
Uses of Coord2d in org.jzy3d.plot3d.text.align
Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.text.align that return Coord2d Modifier and Type Method Description Coord2d
AWTTextLayout. getBounds(GlyphVector gv)
AWTTextLayout. getBounds(String str, Font font, FontRenderContext frc)
Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.text.align with parameters of type Coord2d Modifier and Type Method Description Coord3d
TextLayout. align(float textWidth, float textHeight, Horizontal horizontal, Vertical vertical, Coord2d offset, Coord3d screen)
Compute final text position on screen according to the layout parameters and initial screen position. -
Uses of Coord2d in org.jzy3d.plot3d.text.drawable
Fields in org.jzy3d.plot3d.text.drawable declared as Coord2d Modifier and Type Field Description protected Coord2d
DrawableTextWrapper. screenOffset
Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.text.drawable that return Coord2d Modifier and Type Method Description Coord2d
DrawableTextWrapper. getScreenOffset()
Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.text.drawable that return types with arguments of type Coord2d Modifier and Type Method Description protected static List<Coord2d>
DrawableTextTexture. makeMapping(Coord2d dim)
Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.text.drawable with parameters of type Coord2d Modifier and Type Method Description protected static List<Coord2d>
DrawableTextTexture. makeMapping(Coord2d dim)
DrawableTextWrapper. setScreenOffset(Coord2d screenOffset)
Constructors in org.jzy3d.plot3d.text.drawable with parameters of type Coord2d Constructor Description DrawableTextTexture(String text, int fontSize, Coord2d position, Coord2d dim)
DrawableTextTexture(String text, Coord2d position, Coord2d dim)
Constructor parameters in org.jzy3d.plot3d.text.drawable with type arguments of type Coord2d Constructor Description DrawableTextTexture(SharedTexture resource, PlaneAxis orientation, float axisValue, List<Coord2d> coords)
DrawableTextTexture(SharedTexture resource, PlaneAxis orientation, float axisValue, List<Coord2d> coords, Color filter)
Uses of Coord2d in org.jzy3d.plot3d.text.drawable.cells
Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.text.drawable.cells that return types with arguments of type Coord2d Modifier and Type Method Description protected static List<Coord2d>
DrawableTextCell. makeMapping(Coord2d dim)
Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.text.drawable.cells with parameters of type Coord2d Modifier and Type Method Description protected static List<Coord2d>
DrawableTextCell. makeMapping(Coord2d dim)
Constructors in org.jzy3d.plot3d.text.drawable.cells with parameters of type Coord2d Constructor Description DrawableTextCell(int n, String text, Coord2d position, Coord2d dim)
DrawableTextCell(BufferedImageTexture image, Coord2d position, Coord2d dim)
DrawableTextCell(TextCellRenderer renderer, Coord2d position, Coord2d dim)
Constructor parameters in org.jzy3d.plot3d.text.drawable.cells with type arguments of type Coord2d Constructor Description DrawableTextCell(SharedTexture resource, PlaneAxis orientation, float axisValue, List<Coord2d> coords, Color filter)
Uses of Coord2d in org.jzy3d.plot3d.text.renderers
Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.text.renderers with parameters of type Coord2d Modifier and Type Method Description BoundingBox3d
TextBillboardRenderer. drawText(IPainter painter, Font font, String s, Coord3d position, float rotation, Horizontal halign, Vertical valign, Color color, Coord2d screenOffset, Coord3d sceneOffset)
Deprecated.Draw a string at the specified position and compute the 3d volume occupied by the string according to the current Camera configuration.BoundingBox3d
TextBitmapRenderer. drawText(IPainter painter, Font font, String text, Coord3d position, float rotation, Horizontal halign, Vertical valign, Color color, Coord2d screenOffset, Coord3d sceneOffset)
Deprecated.Draw a string at the specified position and return the 3d volume occupied by the string according to the current Camera configuration.BoundingBox3d
TextRenderer. drawText(IPainter painter, Font font, String text, Coord3d position, float rotation, Horizontal halign, Vertical valign, Color color, Coord2d screenOffset, Coord3d sceneOffset)
Draw a string at the specified position and return the 3d volume occupied by the string according to the current Camera configuration. -
Uses of Coord2d in org.jzy3d.plot3d.text.renderers.jogl
Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.text.renderers.jogl with parameters of type Coord2d Modifier and Type Method Description BoundingBox3d
JOGLTextRenderer2d. drawText(IPainter painter, Font font, String s, Coord3d position, float rotation, Horizontal horizontal, Vertical vertical, Color color, Coord2d screenOffset, Coord3d sceneOffset)
JOGLTextRenderer3d. drawText(IPainter painter, Font font, String s, Coord3d position, float rotation, Horizontal halign, Vertical valign, Color color, Coord2d screenOffset, Coord3d sceneOffset)
Uses of Coord2d in
Methods in that return Coord2d Modifier and Type Method Description Coord2d
SpaceTransformer. compute(Coord2d point)
Methods in with parameters of type Coord2d Modifier and Type Method Description Coord2d
SpaceTransformer. compute(Coord2d point)