Uses of Class

Packages that use BoundingBox3d
org.jzy3d.maths Provides mathematical tools: coordinates, spaces, grids, and trigonometry for 2 and 3 dimensions. 
org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives Provides 3d primitives that either implement plot3d.rendering.Drawable or plot3d.rendering.Composite3d, and thus provide a draw() and transform() function for the plot3d.rendering.Scene
org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.axes Provides concrete axes implementing the Axe interface 
org.jzy3d.plot3d.rendering.view Provides interfaces, abstract classes and concrete classes to perform rendering of 3d objects into a canvas. 

Uses of BoundingBox3d in org.jzy3d.factories

Methods in org.jzy3d.factories with parameters of type BoundingBox3d
 IAxe AxeFactory.getInstance(BoundingBox3d box, View view)

Uses of BoundingBox3d in org.jzy3d.maths

Fields in org.jzy3d.maths declared as BoundingBox3d
protected  BoundingBox3d Grid.bounds

Methods in org.jzy3d.maths that return BoundingBox3d
 BoundingBox3d GridLoader.getBoundingBox()
          Deprecated. Return a BoundingBox indicating the bounds of the loaded data.
 BoundingBox3d Grid.getBounds()
 BoundingBox3d BoundingBox3d.margin(float margin)
static BoundingBox3d BoundingBox3d.newBoundsAtOrigin()
 BoundingBox3d BoundingBox3d.scale(Coord3d scale)
          Return a copy of the current bounding box after scaling.
 BoundingBox3d BoundingBox3d.selfMargin(float margin)
 BoundingBox3d BoundingBox3d.shift(Coord3d offset)

Methods in org.jzy3d.maths with parameters of type BoundingBox3d
 void BoundingBox3d.add(BoundingBox3d b)
          Add a BoundingBox3d volume to the current one.
 boolean BoundingBox3d.contains(BoundingBox3d b2)
          Return true if b2 is contained by this.
 boolean BoundingBox3d.intersect(BoundingBox3d b2)
          Return true if intersect b2.

Constructors in org.jzy3d.maths with parameters of type BoundingBox3d
BoundingBox3d(BoundingBox3d box)

Uses of BoundingBox3d in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives

Fields in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives declared as BoundingBox3d
protected  BoundingBox3d AbstractDrawable.bbox

Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives that return BoundingBox3d
 BoundingBox3d CompileableComposite.getBounds()
          Creates and return a BoundingBox3d that embed all available Drawable bounds.
 BoundingBox3d AbstractDrawable.getBounds()
          Return the BoundingBox of this object.
 BoundingBox3d AbstractComposite.getBounds()
          Creates and return a BoundingBox3d that embed all available Drawable bounds.

Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives with parameters of type BoundingBox3d
 void Parallelepiped.setData(BoundingBox3d box)
          Set the parallelepiped data.
 void CompositeParallelepiped.setData(BoundingBox3d box)
          Set the parallelepiped data.

Constructors in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives with parameters of type BoundingBox3d
CompositeParallelepiped(BoundingBox3d b)
          Initialize a parallelepiped.
CompositeParallelepiped(BoundingBox3d b, CompositeParallelepiped.PolygonType type)
Parallelepiped(BoundingBox3d b)
          Initialize a parallelepiped.

Uses of BoundingBox3d in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.axes

Fields in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.axes declared as BoundingBox3d
protected  BoundingBox3d AxeBase.bbox
protected  BoundingBox3d AxeBox.boxBounds
protected  BoundingBox3d AxeBox.wholeBounds

Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.axes that return BoundingBox3d
protected  BoundingBox3d AxeBox.drawTicks( gl, glu, Camera cam, int axis, int direction, Color color)
protected  BoundingBox3d AxeBox.drawTicks( gl, glu, Camera cam, int axis, int direction, Color color, Halign hal, Valign val)
 BoundingBox3d IAxe.getBoxBounds()
 BoundingBox3d AxeBox.getBoxBounds()
 BoundingBox3d AxeBase.getBoxBounds()
 BoundingBox3d AxeBox.getWholeBounds()
          Return the boundingBox of this axis, including the volume occupied by the texts.

Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.axes with parameters of type BoundingBox3d
 void IAxe.setAxe(BoundingBox3d box)
 void AxeBox.setAxe(BoundingBox3d bbox)
 void AxeBase.setAxe(BoundingBox3d box)

Constructors in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.axes with parameters of type BoundingBox3d
AxeBase(BoundingBox3d box)
          Create a simple axe centered on (box.xmin, box.ymin, box.zmin)
AxeBox(BoundingBox3d bbox)
AxeBox(BoundingBox3d bbox, IAxeLayout layout)
ContourAxeBox(BoundingBox3d bbox)
ContourAxeBox(BoundingBox3d bbox, IAxeLayout layout)
FeedbackBufferAxeBox(BoundingBox3d bbox)
FeedbackBufferAxeBox(BoundingBox3d bbox, IAxeLayout layout)

Uses of BoundingBox3d in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.textured

Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.textured that return BoundingBox3d
 BoundingBox3d TexturedCylinder.getBounds()
 BoundingBox3d TexturedCube.getBounds()
 BoundingBox3d DrawableTexture.getBounds()

Uses of BoundingBox3d in org.jzy3d.plot3d.rendering.scene

Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.rendering.scene that return BoundingBox3d
 BoundingBox3d Graph.getBounds()
          Creates and return a BoundingBox3d that embed all Drawable bounds, among those that have a defined bounding box.

Uses of BoundingBox3d in org.jzy3d.plot3d.rendering.view

Fields in org.jzy3d.plot3d.rendering.view declared as BoundingBox3d
protected  BoundingBox3d View.targetBox
protected  BoundingBox3d View.viewbounds

Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.rendering.view that return BoundingBox3d
 BoundingBox3d View.computeScaling()
 BoundingBox3d View.getBounds()
          Get the AxeBox's BoundingBox3d

Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.rendering.view with parameters of type BoundingBox3d
 void View.lookToBox(BoundingBox3d box)
          Set the surrounding AxeBox dimensions and the Camera target, and the colorbar range.
 void View.setBoundManual(BoundingBox3d bounds)
          Set a manual bounding box and switch the bounding mode to {ViewBoundMode.MANUAL}, meaning that any call to View.updateBounds() will update view bounds to the current bounds.
 void View.updateCamera( gl, glu, ViewPort viewport, BoundingBox3d boundsScaled)
 void View.updateCamera( gl, glu, ViewPort viewport, BoundingBox3d boundsScaled, float sceneRadiusScaled)

Uses of BoundingBox3d in org.jzy3d.plot3d.text

Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.text that return BoundingBox3d
 BoundingBox3d ITextRenderer.drawText( gl, glu, Camera cam, String s, Coord3d position, Halign halign, Valign valign, Color color)
 BoundingBox3d AbstractTextRenderer.drawText( gl, glu, Camera cam, String s, Coord3d position, Halign halign, Valign valign, Color color)
 BoundingBox3d ITextRenderer.drawText( gl, glu, Camera cam, String s, Coord3d position, Halign halign, Valign valign, Color color, Coord2d screenOffset)
 BoundingBox3d AbstractTextRenderer.drawText( gl, glu, Camera cam, String s, Coord3d position, Halign halign, Valign valign, Color color, Coord2d screenOffset)
 BoundingBox3d ITextRenderer.drawText( gl, glu, Camera cam, String s, Coord3d position, Halign halign, Valign valign, Color color, Coord2d screenOffset, Coord3d sceneOffset)
 BoundingBox3d ITextRenderer.drawText( gl, glu, Camera cam, String s, Coord3d position, Halign halign, Valign valign, Color color, Coord3d sceneOffset)
 BoundingBox3d AbstractTextRenderer.drawText( gl, glu, Camera cam, String s, Coord3d position, Halign halign, Valign valign, Color color, Coord3d sceneOffset)
 BoundingBox3d DrawableTextWrapper.getBounds()

Uses of BoundingBox3d in org.jzy3d.plot3d.text.renderers

Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.text.renderers that return BoundingBox3d
 BoundingBox3d TextBitmapRenderer.drawText( gl, glu, Camera cam, String s, Coord3d position, Halign halign, Valign valign, Color color, Coord2d screenOffset, Coord3d sceneOffset)
          Draw a string at the specified position and compute the 3d volume occupied by the string according to the current Camera configuration.
 BoundingBox3d TextBillboardRenderer.drawText( gl, glu, Camera cam, String s, Coord3d position, Halign halign, Valign valign, Color color, Coord2d screenOffset, Coord3d sceneOffset)
          Draw a string at the specified position and compute the 3d volume occupied by the string according to the current Camera configuration.

Uses of BoundingBox3d in org.jzy3d.plot3d.text.renderers.jogl

Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.text.renderers.jogl that return BoundingBox3d
 BoundingBox3d JOGLTextRenderer.drawText( gl, glu, Camera cam, String s, Coord3d position, Halign halign, Valign valign, Color color, Coord2d screenOffset, Coord3d sceneOffset)