Uses of Class

Packages that use Coord2d
org.jzy3d.maths Provides mathematical tools: coordinates, spaces, grids, and trigonometry for 2 and 3 dimensions. 
org.jzy3d.plot3d.rendering.view Provides interfaces, abstract classes and concrete classes to perform rendering of 3d objects into a canvas. 
org.jzy3d.plot3d.text Provides utilities for rendering texts into a 3 dimensional scene. 

Uses of Coord2d in org.jzy3d.maths

Fields in org.jzy3d.maths declared as Coord2d
static Coord2d Coord2d.INVALID
          An invalid Coord2d has value NaN for each dimension.
static Coord2d Coord2d.ORIGIN
          The origin is a Coord2d having value 0 for each dimension.

Methods in org.jzy3d.maths that return Coord2d
 Coord2d Coord2d.add(Coord2d c2)
          Add a Coord2d to the current one and return the result in a new Coord2d.
 Coord2d Coord2d.add(float value)
          Add a value to all components of the current Coord and return the result in a new Coord2d.
 Coord2d Coord2d.add(float x, float y)
 Coord2d Coord2d.cartesian()
          Converts the current Coord3d into cartesian coordinates and return the result in a new Coord3d.
 Coord2d Coord2d.clone()
          Return a duplicate of this 3d coordinate.
 Coord2d Coord2d.div(Coord2d c2)
          Divise a Coord2d to the current one and return the result in a new Coord2d.
 Coord2d Coord2d.div(float value)
          Divise all components of the current Coord by the same value and return the result in a new Coord3d.
 Coord2d Coord2d.div(float x, float y)
 Coord2d Coord2d.fullPolar()
          Return a real polar value, with an angle in the range [0;2*PI]
 Coord2d BoundingBox2d.getCenter()
          Compute and return the center point of the BoundingBox3d
 Coord2d BoundingSphere2d.getCoord()
 Coord2d Coord3d.getXY()
          Return the x and y component as a 2d coordinate.
 Coord2d Coord2d.interpolation(Coord2d c, float ratio)
          Returns an interpolated point between the current and given point, according to an input ratio in [0;1] that indicates how near to the current point the new point will stand.
 Coord2d Coord2d.mul(Coord2d c2)
          Multiply a Coord2d to the current one and return the result in a new Coord2d.
 Coord2d Coord2d.mul(float value)
          Multiply all components of the current Coord and return the result in a new Coord3d.
 Coord2d Coord2d.mul(float x, float y)
 Coord2d Coord2d.polar()
          Converts the current Coord2d into polar coordinates and return the result in a new Coord2d where X indicates angle, and Y indicates radius.
 Coord2d Coord2d.sub(Coord2d c2)
          Substract a Coord2d to the current one and return the result in a new Coord2d.
 Coord2d Coord2d.sub(float value)
          Substract a value to all components of the current Coord and return the result in a new Coord2d.
 Coord2d Coord2d.sub(float x, float y)
 Coord2d Vector2d.vector()
          Return the vector induced by this set of coordinates.

Methods in org.jzy3d.maths that return types with arguments of type Coord2d
 java.util.List<Coord2d> BoundingBox2d.getVertices()

Methods in org.jzy3d.maths with parameters of type Coord2d
 Coord2d Coord2d.add(Coord2d c2)
          Add a Coord2d to the current one and return the result in a new Coord2d.
 void BoundingBox2d.add(Coord2d p)
          Add a Point3d to the BoundingBox3d.
 void Coord2d.addSelf(Coord2d c2)
 boolean BoundingBox2d.contains(Coord2d c)
          Return true if coordinates is contained by this box.
 double Coord2d.distance(Coord2d c)
          Compute the distance between two coordinates.
 double Coord2d.distanceSq(Coord2d c)
 Coord2d Coord2d.div(Coord2d c2)
          Divise a Coord2d to the current one and return the result in a new Coord2d.
 Coord2d Coord2d.interpolation(Coord2d c, float ratio)
          Returns an interpolated point between the current and given point, according to an input ratio in [0;1] that indicates how near to the current point the new point will stand.
 Coord2d Coord2d.mul(Coord2d c2)
          Multiply a Coord2d to the current one and return the result in a new Coord2d.
 BoundingBox2d BoundingBox2d.scale(Coord2d scale)
          Return a copy of the current bounding box after scaling.
 void Coord2d.set(Coord2d c2)
 void BoundingSphere2d.setCoord(Coord2d coord)
 Coord2d Coord2d.sub(Coord2d c2)
          Substract a Coord2d to the current one and return the result in a new Coord2d.
 void Coord2d.subSelf(Coord2d c2)

Constructors in org.jzy3d.maths with parameters of type Coord2d
Angle2d(Coord2d p1, Coord2d p2, Coord2d p3)
          Create an angle, described by three coordinates.
BoundingSphere2d(Coord2d coord, float radius)
Coord3d(Coord2d c, float zi)
Vector2d(Coord2d p1, Coord2d p2)
          Create a vector, described by two coordinates.

Constructor parameters in org.jzy3d.maths with type arguments of type Coord2d
BoundingBox2d(java.util.List<Coord2d> list)

Uses of Coord2d in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.graphs

Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.graphs that return Coord2d
 Coord2d AbstractDrawableGraph2d.getLabelScreenOffset()

Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.graphs with parameters of type Coord2d
 void AbstractDrawableGraph2d.setLabelScreenOffset(Coord2d labelOffset)

Uses of Coord2d in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.graphs.layout

Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.graphs.layout that return Coord2d
 Coord2d IGraphLayout2d.get(V v)
 Coord2d IGraphLayout2d.getVertexPosition(V v)
 Coord2d DefaultGraphLayout2d.getVertexPosition(V v)

Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.graphs.layout that return types with arguments of type Coord2d
 java.util.Collection<Coord2d> IGraphLayout2d.values()

Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.graphs.layout with parameters of type Coord2d
 void IGraphLayout2d.setVertexPosition(V v, Coord2d position)
 void DefaultGraphLayout2d.setVertexPosition(V v, Coord2d position)

Uses of Coord2d in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.graphs.nodes

Constructor parameters in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.graphs.nodes with type arguments of type Coord2d
PickableTexture(SharedTexture resource, PlaneAxis orientation, float axisValue, java.util.List<Coord2d> coords)
PickableTexture(SharedTexture resource, PlaneAxis orientation, float axisValue, java.util.List<Coord2d> coords, Color filter)

Uses of Coord2d in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.textured

Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.textured that return Coord2d
 Coord2d DrawableTexture.getPlanePosition()

Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.textured that return types with arguments of type Coord2d
static java.util.List<Coord2d> DrawableTexture.getManualTextureMapping(float width, float height)
static java.util.List<Coord2d> DrawableTexture.getManualTextureMapping(float width, float height, float xoffset, float yoffset)
          Must supply the expected size of texture in 3d coordinates.

Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.textured with parameters of type Coord2d
 void DrawableTexture.setPlanePosition(Coord2d planePosition)

Constructor parameters in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.textured with type arguments of type Coord2d
DrawableTexture(SharedTexture resource, PlaneAxis orientation, float axisValue, java.util.List<Coord2d> coords)
DrawableTexture(SharedTexture resource, PlaneAxis orientation, float axisValue, java.util.List<Coord2d> coords, Color filter)

Uses of Coord2d in org.jzy3d.plot3d.rendering.view

Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.rendering.view with parameters of type Coord2d
 void View.rotate(Coord2d move)

Uses of Coord2d in org.jzy3d.plot3d.text

Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.text with parameters of type Coord2d
 BoundingBox3d TextBitmap.drawText( gl, glu, Camera cam, java.lang.String s, Coord3d position, Halign halign, Valign valign, Color color, Coord2d screenOffset)
 BoundingBox3d TextBitmap.drawText( gl, glu, Camera cam, java.lang.String s, Coord3d position, Halign halign, Valign valign, Color color, Coord2d screenOffset, Coord3d sceneOffset)
          Draw a string at the specified position and compute the 3d volume occupied by the string according to the current Camera configuration.