Package net.letskit.redbook.first

Class Summary
accanti Use the accumulation buffer to do full-scene antialiasing on a scene with orthographic parallel projection.
accpersp Use the accumulation buffer to do full-scene antialiasing on a scene with perspective projection.
accum Do a sixteen pass
aim This program calculates the fovy (field of view angle in the y direction), by using trigonometry, given the size of an object and its size.
alpha This program draws several overlapping filled polygons to demonstrate the effect order has on alpha blending results.
alpha3D This program demonstrates how to intermix opaque and alpha blended polygons in the same scene, by using glDepthMask.
anti This program draws antialiased lines in RGBA mode.
antipoint The program draws antialiased points, in RGBA mode.
antipoly This program draws filled polygons with antialiased edges.
bezcurve This program uses evaluators to draw a Bezier curve.
bezmesh This program renders a wireframe (mesh) Bezier surface, using two-dimensional evaluators.
bezsurf This program renders a wireframe (mesh) Bezier surface, using two-dimensional evaluators.
checker This program texture maps a checkerboard image onto two rectangles.
checker2 This program texture maps a checkerboard image onto two rectangles.
chess This program texture maps a checkerboard image onto two rectangles.
clip This program demonstrates arbitrary clipping planes.
colormat After initialization, the program will be in ColorMaterial mode.
cone This program demonstrates the use of the GL lighting model.
cube This program demonstrates a single modeling transformation, glScalef() and a single viewing transformation, gluLookAt().
depthcue This program draws a wireframe model, which uses intensity (brightness) to give clues to distance.
disk This program demonstrates the use of the quadrics Utility Library routines to draw circles and arcs.
dof This program demonstrates use of the accumulation buffer to create an out-of-focus depth-of-field effect.
dofnot This program demonstrates the same scene as dof.c, but without use of the accumulation buffer, so everything is in focus.
doublebuf This is a simple double buffered program.
drawf Draws the bitmapped letter F on the screen (several times).
feedback This program demonstrates use of OpenGL feedback.
fog This program draws 5 red teapots, each at a different z distance from the eye, in different types of fog.
font Draws some text in a bitmapped font.
linelist This program demonstrates using display lists to call different line stipples.
lines This program demonstrates geometric primitives and their attributes.
list This program demonstrates how to make and execute a display list.
list2 This program demonstrates glGenList() and glPushAttrib().
maplight This program demonstrates the use of the GL lighting model.
material This program demonstrates the use of the GL lighting model.
mipmap This program demonstrates using mipmaps for texture maps.
model This program demonstrates the use of OpenGL modeling transformations.
movelight This program demonstrates when to issue lighting and transformation commands to render a model with a light which is moved by a modeling transformation (rotate or translate).
pickdepth Picking is demonstrated in this program.
pickline Picking is demonstrated in this program.
picksquare Use of multiple names and picking are demonstrated.
plane This program demonstrates the use of local versus infinite lighting on a flat plane.
planet This program shows how to composite modeling transformations to draw translated and rotated models.
planetup The planets (from planet.c) have been rotated so their polar regions are north/south.
polys This program demonstrates polygon stippling.
sccolorlight This program demonstrates the use of a colored (magenta, in this example) light source.
scene This program demonstrates the use of the GL lighting model.
scenebamb This program demonstrates use of a blue ambient light source.
sceneflat This program draws lighted objects with flat shading.
select This is an illustration of the selection mode and name stack, which detects whether objects which collide with a viewing volume.
smooth This program demonstrates smooth shading.
sphere This program draws a wire frame sphere.
stencil This program demonstrates use of the stencil buffer for masking nonrectangular regions.
tea This program demonstrates two-sided lighting and compares it with one-sided lighting.
teaambient This program renders three lighted, shaded teapots, with different ambient values.
teapots This program demonstrates lots of material properties.
texgen This program draws a texture mapped teapot with automatically generated texture coordinates.
texturesurf This program uses evaluators to generate a curved surface and automatically generated texture coordinates.