Uses of Package
Packages that use jgl.glu
ClassDescriptionGLUnurbsObj is NURBS object of the GLU class of JavaGL 2.1.nurbs_ct_curv is one of the GLU NURBS class of JavaGL 2.1.nurbs_ct_surf is one of the GLU NURBS class of JavaGL 2.1.nurbs_curve is one of the GLU NURBS class of JavaGL 2.1.nurbs_curves is one of the GLU NURBS class of JavaGL 2.1.nurbs_knot is one of the GLU NURBS class of JavaGL 2.1.nurbs_nurbs is the super class of curve and surface of GLU NURBS of JavaGL 2.1.nurbs_obj is one of the GLU NURBS class of JavaGL 2.1.nurbs_surface is one of the GLU NURBS class of JavaGL 2.1.nurbs_surfaces is one of the GLU NURBS class of JavaGL 2.1.nurbs_trim is one of the GLU class of JavaGL 2.1.trim_list is one of the GLU class of JavaGL 2.1.trim_segments is one of the GLU class of JavaGL 2.1.
Classes in jgl.glu used by jgl.wt.awtClassDescriptionGLUnurbsObj is NURBS object of the GLU class of JavaGL 2.1.GLUquadricObj is one of the GLU class of JavaGL 1.1.