Uses of Class
Packages that use Rectangle Package Description org.jzy3d.analysis org.jzy3d.bridge.awt org.jzy3d.bridge.swing org.jzy3d.bridge.swt org.jzy3d.chart org.jzy3d.chart.factories org.jzy3d.chart.factories.bridged org.jzy3d.chart.fallback org.jzy3d.debugGL.tracers org.jzy3d.maths Provides mathematical tools: coordinates, spaces, grids, and trigonometry for 2 and 3 org.jzy3d.plot3d.rendering.view -
Uses of Rectangle in org.jzy3d.analysis
Fields in org.jzy3d.analysis declared as Rectangle Modifier and Type Field Description protected static Rectangle
AnalysisLauncher. DEFAULT_WINDOW
Methods in org.jzy3d.analysis with parameters of type Rectangle Modifier and Type Method Description static void
AnalysisLauncher. open(IAnalysis demo, Rectangle rectangle)
static void
AnalysisLauncher. openStatic(IAnalysis demo, Rectangle rectangle)
Uses of Rectangle in org.jzy3d.bridge.awt
Methods in org.jzy3d.bridge.awt with parameters of type Rectangle Modifier and Type Method Description void
FrameAWT. initialize(Chart chart, Rectangle bounds, String title)
FrameAWT. initialize(Chart chart, Rectangle bounds, String title, String message)
Constructors in org.jzy3d.bridge.awt with parameters of type Rectangle Constructor Description FrameAWT(Chart chart, Rectangle bounds, String title)
FrameAWT(Chart chart, Rectangle bounds, String title, String message)
Uses of Rectangle in org.jzy3d.bridge.swing
Methods in org.jzy3d.bridge.swing with parameters of type Rectangle Modifier and Type Method Description void
FrameSwing. initialize(Chart chart, Rectangle bounds, String title)
FrameSwing. initialize(Chart chart, Rectangle bounds, String title, String message)
Constructors in org.jzy3d.bridge.swing with parameters of type Rectangle Constructor Description FrameSwing(Chart chart, Rectangle bounds, String title)
Uses of Rectangle in org.jzy3d.bridge.swt
Methods in org.jzy3d.bridge.swt with parameters of type Rectangle Modifier and Type Method Description void
FrameSWTBridge. initialize(Chart chart, Rectangle bounds, String title)
FrameSWTBridge. initialize(Chart chart, Rectangle bounds, String title, String message)
Constructors in org.jzy3d.bridge.swt with parameters of type Rectangle Constructor Description FrameSWTBridge(Chart chart, Rectangle bounds, String title)
Uses of Rectangle in org.jzy3d.chart
Methods in org.jzy3d.chart with parameters of type Rectangle Modifier and Type Method Description IFrame
Chart. display(Rectangle rectangle, String title)
Chart. open(String title, Rectangle rect)
Open the frame if it was not opened beforestatic ICameraMouseController
ChartLauncher. openChart(Chart chart, Rectangle rectangle)
static ICameraMouseController
ChartLauncher. openChart(Chart chart, Rectangle bounds, String title)
static ICameraMouseController
ChartLauncher. openChart(Chart chart, Rectangle bounds, String title, boolean allowSlaveThreadOnDoubleClick)
static ICameraMouseController
ChartLauncher. openChart(Chart chart, Rectangle bounds, String title, boolean allowSlaveThreadOnDoubleClick, boolean startThreadImmediatly)
static void
SwingChartLauncher. openImagePanel(Image image, Rectangle bounds)
static void
SwingChartLauncher. openPanel(JPanel panel, Rectangle bounds, String title)
static void
ChartLauncher. openStaticChart(Chart chart, Rectangle bounds, String title)
Chart. show(Rectangle rectangle, String title)
Alias fordisplay()
Uses of Rectangle in org.jzy3d.chart.factories
Methods in org.jzy3d.chart.factories with parameters of type Rectangle Modifier and Type Method Description void
IFrame. initialize(Chart chart, Rectangle bounds, String title)
IFrame. initialize(Chart chart, Rectangle bounds, String title, String message)
AWTPainterFactory. newFrame(Chart chart, Rectangle bounds, String title)
EmulGLPainterFactory. newFrame(Chart chart, Rectangle bounds, String title)
IPainterFactory. newFrame(Chart chart, Rectangle bounds, String title)
NewtPainterFactory. newFrame(Chart chart, Rectangle bounds, String title)
SwingPainterFactory. newFrame(Chart chart, Rectangle bounds, String title)
SWTPainterFactory. newFrame(Chart chart, Rectangle bounds, String title)
EmulGLPainterFactory. setOffscreen(Rectangle rectangle)
IPainterFactory. setOffscreen(Rectangle rectangle)
NativePainterFactory. setOffscreen(Rectangle rectangle)
Uses of Rectangle in org.jzy3d.chart.factories.bridged
Methods in org.jzy3d.chart.factories.bridged with parameters of type Rectangle Modifier and Type Method Description IFrame
SWTBridgePainterFactory. newFrame(Chart chart, Rectangle bounds, String title)
Uses of Rectangle in org.jzy3d.chart.fallback
Methods in org.jzy3d.chart.fallback with parameters of type Rectangle Modifier and Type Method Description void
FallbackChartFrameAbstract. initialize(Chart chart, Rectangle bounds, String title)
FallbackChartFrameAbstract. initialize(Chart chart, Rectangle bounds, String title, String message)
FallbackPainterFactory. newFrame(Chart chart, Rectangle bounds, String title)
Uses of Rectangle in org.jzy3d.debugGL.tracers
Methods in org.jzy3d.debugGL.tracers with parameters of type Rectangle Modifier and Type Method Description void
DebugGLChart2d. open(Rectangle rectangle)
DebugGLChart3d. open(Rectangle rectangle)
Uses of Rectangle in org.jzy3d.maths
Methods in org.jzy3d.maths that return Rectangle Modifier and Type Method Description Rectangle
Rectangle. clone()
Rectangle. intersection(Rectangle r)
Methods in org.jzy3d.maths with parameters of type Rectangle Modifier and Type Method Description Rectangle
Rectangle. intersection(Rectangle r)
Uses of Rectangle in org.jzy3d.plot3d.builder.concrete
Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.builder.concrete that return Rectangle Modifier and Type Method Description Rectangle
BufferedImageMapper. getClippedViewport(Rectangle roi)
Returns the intersection of this BufferedImage's dimensions with those passed in in Rectangle roi, if there is one.Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.builder.concrete with parameters of type Rectangle Modifier and Type Method Description Rectangle
BufferedImageMapper. getClippedViewport(Rectangle roi)
Returns the intersection of this BufferedImage's dimensions with those passed in in Rectangle roi, if there is one. -
Uses of Rectangle in org.jzy3d.plot3d.rendering.view
Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.rendering.view that return Rectangle Modifier and Type Method Description Rectangle
AbstractViewportManager. getRectangle()
Returns the (x,y) offset that was applied to make thisAbstractViewportManager
stand in the appropriate canvas part. and the actual width and height of the viewport.Rectangle
View. getSceneViewportRectangle()
Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.rendering.view with parameters of type Rectangle Modifier and Type Method Description protected IntegerCoord2d
OverlayUtils. canvasToViewport(MouseEvent e, Rectangle viewport)
Needed when wishing to adapt a coordinate relative to the canvas to the viewport frame.protected IntegerCoord2d
OverlayUtils. canvasToViewport(IntegerCoord2d c, Rectangle viewport)
protected PolygonArray
OverlayUtils. canvasToViewport(PolygonArray p, Rectangle viewport)
protected IntegerCoord2d
OverlayUtils. canvasToViewport(Rectangle viewport, IntegerCoord2d c)
protected IntegerCoord2d
OverlayUtils. viewportToCanvas(Chart chart, IntegerCoord2d input, Rectangle viewport)
Needed when wishing to display a coordinate relative to the viewport.