Class Vector3d

  • public class Vector3d
    extends Object
    Storage for a 3 dimensional vector defined by two points. Provide the vector function that returns the vector as a Coord3d, as well as dot product and norm.
    Martin Pernollet
    • Constructor Detail

      • Vector3d

        public Vector3d​(float x1,
                        float y1,
                        float z1,
                        float x2,
                        float y2,
                        float z2)
        Create a vector, described by two points.
      • Vector3d

        public Vector3d​(Coord3d p1,
                        Coord3d p2)
        Create a vector, described by two coordinates.
    • Method Detail

      • vector

        public Coord3d vector()
        Return the vector induced by this set of coordinates.
      • dot

        public float dot​(Vector3d v)
        Compute the dot product between and current and given vector. Reminnd that the dot product is:
        • 0 if vectors are perpendicular
        v - input vector
        the dot product
      • cross

        public Coord3d cross​(Vector3d v)
        Computes the vectorial product of the current and the given vector. The result is a vector defined as a Coord3d, that is perpendicular to the plan induced by current vector and vector V.
      • norm

        public float norm()
        Compute the norm of this vector.
        the norm
      • distance

        public double distance​(Coord3d c)
        Compute the distance between two coordinates.
      • getCenter

        public Coord3d getCenter()
        Return the central point of this segment.