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Package org.jzy3d.plot3d.transform

Provides management of OpenGL ModelView Matrix for objects transformations.

See: Description

Package org.jzy3d.plot3d.transform Description

Provides management of OpenGL ModelView Matrix for objects transformations.
This package introduces Transformers that allow computing transformations such as Rotate, Translate, and Scale.
A Transformer must be instanciated with its transformation values (either scale, translation, or rotation) and provides an execute(GL) method that a Drawable calls just before rendering itself with Drawable.draw(GL,GLU,Camera).
Complex transformation may be computed by applying a sequence of Transformers with a Transform.
Although a Transform may be considered of type Transformer since it provides the execute() method, it does not implement the Transformer interface. Indeed, a Transform load the identity matrix before applying the sequence of Transformer which is not suitable for a Transformer that is an element in a sequence.
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