Package org.jzy3d.plot3d.builder.concrete

Class Summary
BufferedImageMapper Mapper which reads height information from the grayscale values of a BufferedImage, normalized to range [0..1].
CustomGrid CustomGrid allows using a specific projection mapping.
OrthonormalTesselator The OrthonormalTesselator checks that coordinates are lying on an orthormal grid, and is able to provide a AbstractComposite made of Polygons built according to this grid On this model, one input coordinate is represented by one Polygon, for which each point is a mean point between two grid ticks: ^ ^ | | - + + + - + + + | | *---* - + o + >> - + | o | + | | *---* - + + + - + + + | | |---|---|---|--> |---|---|---|--> In this figure, the representation of a coordinate ("o" on the left) is a polygon made of mean points ("*" on the right) that require the existence of four surrounding points (the "o" and the three "+")
RingTesselator Deprecated.