Uses of Interface

Packages that use IColorMap
org.jzy3d.colors The Color package provide tools for mapping colors on graphical objects in two and three dimensions 
org.jzy3d.maths Provides mathematical tools: coordinates, spaces, grids, and trigonometry for 2 and 3 dimensions. 

Uses of IColorMap in org.jzy3d.colors

Methods in org.jzy3d.colors that return IColorMap
 IColorMap ColorMapper.getColorMap()

Constructors in org.jzy3d.colors with parameters of type IColorMap
ColorMapper(IColorMap colormap, float zmin, float zmax)
ColorMapper(IColorMap colormap, float zmin, float zmax, Color factor)

Uses of IColorMap in org.jzy3d.colors.colormaps

Classes in org.jzy3d.colors.colormaps that implement IColorMap
 class ColorMapBlueGreen
 class ColorMapGrayscale
 class ColorMapHotCold
 class ColorMapRainbow
          A rainbow colormap is a progressive transition from blue, to green and then red.
 class ColorMapRBG
 class ColorMapRedAndGreen
 class ColorMapWhiteBlue
 class ColorMapWhiteGreen
 class ColorMapWhiteRed

Uses of IColorMap in org.jzy3d.maths

Methods in org.jzy3d.maths with parameters of type IColorMap
 java.util.List<Polygon> GridLoader.getExtrapolatedRingPolygons(float ringMax, IColorMap cmap, Color colorFactor)
 java.util.List<Polygon> GridLoader.getInterpolatedRingPolygons(float ringMin, float ringMax, IColorMap cmap, Color colorFactor)
          Deprecated. Load data standing on an orthonormal grid.
 java.util.Vector<Polygon> GridLoader.getSquarePolygons(IColorMap cmap, Color colorFactor)

Uses of IColorMap in org.jzy3d.plot2d.primitive

Constructors in org.jzy3d.plot2d.primitive with parameters of type IColorMap
ColorbarImageGenerator(IColorMap map, float min, float max, ITickProvider provider, ITickRenderer renderer)