Interface IMultiColorable

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractComposite, CompileableComposite, ContourLevel, Cylinder, EnlightableBar, FlatLine2d, HistogramBar, MultiColorScatter, MultiColorScatterList, Parallelepiped, Polygon, Quad, Shape, TexturedCube, TexturedCylinder, TranslucentQuad

public interface IMultiColorable

IMultiColorable objects may have several colors interpolated between each of their individual points colors.
A IMultiColorable object requires a ColorMapper that defines a strategy for coloring points according to their position.

Martin Pernollet

Method Summary
 ColorMapper getColorMapper()
          Get the colormapper.
 void setColorMapper(ColorMapper mapper)
          Set the colormapper that will be used by the Drawable, instead of using precomputed colors.

Method Detail


void setColorMapper(ColorMapper mapper)
Set the colormapper that will be used by the Drawable, instead of using precomputed colors.


ColorMapper getColorMapper()
Get the colormapper.