Uses of Class
Uses of LineStrip in org.jzy3d.chart.factories
Methods in org.jzy3d.chart.factories that return LineStrip Modifier and Type Method Description LineStrip
IDrawableFactoryDesign. newLine(List<Coord3d> coords)
IDrawableFactoryDesign. newLine(Coord3d... coords)
Uses of LineStrip in org.jzy3d.contour
Methods in org.jzy3d.contour that return LineStrip Modifier and Type Method Description protected LineStrip
MapperContourMeshGenerator. followContourFrom(DefaultContourColoringPolicy policy, int i, int j, double[][] contours, boolean[][] processed, float planeAxe)
Uses of LineStrip in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives
Subclasses of LineStrip in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives Modifier and Type Class Description class
Fields in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives declared as LineStrip Modifier and Type Field Description protected LineStrip
LineStripInterpolated. line
Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives that return LineStrip Modifier and Type Method Description LineStrip
LineStripInterpolated. getLine()
static LineStrip
LineStrip. merge(LineStrip strip1, LineStrip strip2)
Merge lines by selecting the most relevant connection point: A-B to C-D if distance BC is shorter than distance DA C-D to A-BMethods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives with parameters of type LineStrip Modifier and Type Method Description void
LineStrip. addAll(LineStrip strip)
static LineStrip
LineStrip. merge(LineStrip strip1, LineStrip strip2)
Merge lines by selecting the most relevant connection point: A-B to C-D if distance BC is shorter than distance DA C-D to A-B -
Uses of LineStrip in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.contour
Fields in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.contour with type parameters of type LineStrip Modifier and Type Field Description protected List<LineStrip>
ContourLevel. lines
Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.contour that return LineStrip Modifier and Type Method Description LineStrip
DefaultLineStripMergePolicy. mostMergeableIfAny(LineStrip ls, List<LineStrip> lines)
ILineStripMergePolicy. mostMergeableIfAny(LineStrip ls, List<LineStrip> lines)
Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.contour that return types with arguments of type LineStrip Modifier and Type Method Description List<LineStrip>
ContourLevel. getLines()
Methods in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.contour with parameters of type LineStrip Modifier and Type Method Description void
ContourLevels. appendLevelLine(double level, LineStrip strip)
ContourLevel. appendLine(LineStrip strip)
DefaultLineStripMergePolicy. mergeable(LineStrip ls1, LineStrip ls2)
ILineStripMergePolicy. mergeable(LineStrip ls1, LineStrip ls2)
DefaultLineStripMergePolicy. mergeScore(LineStrip ls1, LineStrip ls2)
ILineStripMergePolicy. mergeScore(LineStrip ls1, LineStrip ls2)
protected double
DefaultLineStripMergePolicy. minDist(LineStrip strip1, LineStrip strip2)
DefaultLineStripMergePolicy. mostMergeableIfAny(LineStrip ls, List<LineStrip> lines)
ILineStripMergePolicy. mostMergeableIfAny(LineStrip ls, List<LineStrip> lines)
ContourLevels. setLevelLine(double level, LineStrip strip)
Method parameters in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.contour with type arguments of type LineStrip Modifier and Type Method Description LineStrip
DefaultLineStripMergePolicy. mostMergeableIfAny(LineStrip ls, List<LineStrip> lines)
ILineStripMergePolicy. mostMergeableIfAny(LineStrip ls, List<LineStrip> lines)
Constructor parameters in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.contour with type arguments of type LineStrip Constructor Description ContourLevel(int id, float value, List<LineStrip> lines)
Uses of LineStrip in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.parameq
Subclasses of LineStrip in org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.parameq Modifier and Type Class Description class
Uses of LineStrip in org.jzy3d.plot3d.rendering.view.annotation
Subclasses of LineStrip in org.jzy3d.plot3d.rendering.view.annotation Modifier and Type Class Description class
Record the camera position at regular interval and draws the path based on these point accumulation.Fields in org.jzy3d.plot3d.rendering.view.annotation with type parameters of type LineStrip Modifier and Type Field Description protected List<LineStrip>
BarycenterAnnotation. lines