Class TextLayout

Direct Known Subclasses:

public class TextLayout extends Object
A helper to process text position according to a Horizontal, Vertical, text height and width.
Martin Pernollet
  • Constructor Details

    • TextLayout

      public TextLayout()
  • Method Details

    • align

      public Coord3d align(float textWidth, float textHeight, Horizontal horizontal, Vertical vertical, Coord2d offset, Coord3d screen)
      Compute final text position on screen according to the layout parameters and initial screen position.
      textWidth - width of the text in pixel
      textHeight - height of the text font in pixel
      horizontal - horizontal alignment
      vertical - vertical alignment
      offset - an (x,y) offset to apply to the base position once X and Y alignment are processed
      screen - base 2D position of the text on screen before applying layout (Z dimension is used to indicate how far is the text in the 3D scene, given as a ratio between the near and far clipping plane of the camera)
    • align

      public Coord3d align(float textWidth, float textHeight, Horizontal horizontal, Vertical vertical, Coord3d screen)
      Compute final text position on screen according to the layout parameters and initial screen position.
      textWidth - width of the text in pixel
      textHeight - height of the text font in pixel
      horizontal - horizontal alignment
      vertical - vertical alignment
      screen - base 2D position of the text on screen before applying layout (Z dimension is used to indicate how far is the text in the 3D scene, given as a ratio between the near and far clipping plane of the camera)
    • computeXAlign

      public float computeXAlign(float textWidth, Horizontal horizontal, Coord3d screenPosition, float x)
    • computeYAlign

      public float computeYAlign(float textHeight, Vertical vertical, Coord3d screenPosition, float y)