Interface IGLBindedResource

All Known Implementing Classes:
Arrow, BarVBO, BarycenterAnnotation, BufferedImageTexture, Composite, Cone, ContourLevel, CoplanarityManager, CubeComposite, CubeVBO, Cylinder, DrawableVBO, DrawableVBO2, EnlightableBar, FlatLine2d, HistogramBar, LineStripInterpolated, ParallelepipedComposite, PolygonVBO, ScatterVBO, ShaderMeshDrawableVBO, ShaderWaterfallDrawableVBO, Shape, SharedTexture, SphereVBO, TesselatedPolygon, Texture3D, TexturedCube, TexturedCylinder, TriangleStripVBO, TriangleVBO, Volume, WaterfallComposite

public interface IGLBindedResource
Defines an objects that uses resources that should be loaded using an available GL context. Resource that require a GL context are usually textures, VBO, etc.
Martin Pernollet
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Return true if mount(...) has been called at least one time
    mount(IPainter painter)
    Mount resources to gl context
  • Method Details

    • mount

      void mount(IPainter painter)
      Mount resources to gl context
    • hasMountedOnce

      boolean hasMountedOnce()
      Return true if mount(...) has been called at least one time