gl_colorbuffer is the color buffer class of jGL 2.4.
gl_current is the current values and associated data class of jGL 2.4.
gl_depthbuffer is the depth buffer class of jGL 2.4.
gl_eval is the evaluators state class of jGL 2.4.
gl_lighting is the lighting class of jGL 2.4.
gl_pixel is the pixels class of jGL 2.4.
gl_raster is the rasterization class of jGL 2.4.
gl_stencilbuffer is the stenciling buffer class of jGL 2.4.
gl_texture is the texturing class of jGL 2.4.
gl_transform is the transformation class of jGL 2.4.
gl_viewport is the viewport class of jGL 2.4.
gl_colorbuffer is the color buffer class of jGL 2.4.
gl_current is the current values and associated data class of jGL 2.4.
gl_depthbuffer is the depth buffer class of jGL 2.4.
gl_eval is the evaluators state class of jGL 2.4.
gl_lighting is the lighting class of jGL 2.4.
gl_stencilbuffer is the stenciling buffer class of jGL 2.4.
gl_transform is the transformation class of jGL 2.4.
gl_viewport is the viewport class of jGL 2.4.