Interface IImageViewport

    • Method Detail

      • render

        void render​(IPainter painter)
        Renders the picture into the window, according to the viewport settings. If the picture is bigger than the viewport, it is simply centered in it, otherwise, it is scaled in order to fit into the viewport.
      • getMinimumDimension

        Dimension getMinimumDimension()
        Return the minimum size for this graphic.
      • setViewPort

        void setViewPort​(int width,
                         int height)
      • setViewportMode

        void setViewportMode​(ViewportMode mode)
      • setViewPort

        void setViewPort​(int width,
                         int height,
                         float left,
                         float right)
        Set the view port (size of the renderer).
        width - the width of the target window.
        height - the height of the target window.
        left - the width's ratio where this subscreen starts in the target window.
        right - the width's ratio where this subscreen stops in the target window.
        an - IllegalArgumentException if right is not greater than left.
      • getSliceWidth

        int getSliceWidth​(int width,
                          float left,
                          float right)