Class Normal

  • public class Normal
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • Normal

        public Normal()
    • Method Detail

      • compute

        public static Coord3d compute​(Coord3d p0,
                                      Coord3d p1,
                                      Coord3d p2)
        Compute the normal for the three points which is a vector perpendicular to the plane formed by the three input points.
      • compute

        public static Coord3d compute​(Coord3d p0,
                                      Coord3d p1,
                                      Coord3d p2,
                                      boolean normalize)
        Compute the normal for the three points which is a vector perpendicular to the plane formed by the three input points.
        normalize - if true, will divise normal components by the length of the normal
      • compute

        public static Coord3d compute​(List<Point> points,
                                      boolean normalize,
                                      boolean averageNormals)
        Compute the normal for the input list of points.
        points -
        normalize - if true, will divise normal components by the length of the normal
        averageNormals - if true and if points.size() > 3, will compute a normal for each triangle and then process an average normal of all triangles. If false, simply process normal out of the three first points, hence assuming coplanarity of the points.